Chapter 64

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I decided that it might be a good idea to get all of the difficult conversations out of the way as quickly as possible, so as soon as soundcheck was over I found an empty corridor in the arena so that I could FaceTime with my mum. My hands were shaking a bit as I dialed, my nerves over how she might react to my news hitting me hard as the phone rang.

"Darling! It's been too long since I've seen that handsome face," she said as soon as we were connected. The sight of her, looking so happy to see me, calmed me down a bit, and I knew that I could tell her anything.

"I know, mum, I'm sorry. Things have been a little crazy lately. How are you? How are the girls?"

"We're all doing well, love. How have you been? How's Harry?"

"I'm good, and he's good too. LIke I said, everything's been, like, totally crazy, but it's also been wicked, you know?" I told her, taking a deep breath before I continued. "Like, I just never knew that it would feel this way..." I admitted honestly.

"That what would feel this way?"

"Just like, being in love. I love him so much, mum. I can't even explain how amazing he is. Like, everything about him. He's so sweet and he always knows how to make me laugh and how to cheer me up. I mean, I know that everyone knows how handsome and talented he is, but he's so much more than that. He's smart and giving and he has the biggest heart of anyone I know and I have no idea why he loves me but I thank my lucky stars every day that he does. I've never wanted to spend all my time with someone before. Even when he's being annoying I still want him around. I don't know, I just miss him every time we're apart, even if he's just in the loo or at the shops. He makes me feel more like, alive and comfortable than I ever was without him. I'm happier than I've ever been, but I'm scared too, cause I don't ever want to lose him," I blurted out, practically in one breath, blushing as I realized that I sounded like a lovesick teenager.

"I'm so happy for you, dear. I know that loving someone that much comes with risks, because there's always the possibility that they could hurt you, but I've seen the way that Harry looks at you, and I know he loves you just as much as you love him."

"I dunno, mum. I don't think he could possibly love me as much as I love him, but I really don't think that he'd ever hurt me either. I just feel so lucky to have him, you know?" I stopped speaking when I noticed that she was dabbing at her eyes. "Are you alright, mum?"

"I'm just so glad to see you opening up and letting someone in. You deserve someone who loves you for you. Not because you're in One Direction and everything that goes along with that. I think you've found that with Harry. And I can't tell you how proud I am that you're following your heart. Things are getting pretty serious with you two, aren't they?"

"Yeah mum, they are; more so than I ever could have imagined. I know you probably think that we're moving too fast, but-"

"I actually don't think that, Zayn. You've always been mature for your age, and you've grown up even more in the last few years. I know that you didn't get together with Harry on a whim. You've always thought things through, so I'm sure that if you've chosen him to love then it's something that you're serious about."

Her words warmed my heart, even if I didn't completely agree with them. "I honestly don't feel like I had a choice in falling in love with him; it kinda just happened. Like it was meant to be or something. But yeah, I've thought a lot about what being with him would mean, for my career and my life, and I just know that he's worth all the risks. I know that I maybe could live without him, but I hope I never have to. I want everything with him, mum. That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Is everything okay, love?"

"Yeah. It's better than okay really. You know how I've always wanted kids, right? And Harry's gonna be like, the most amazing dad ever. Like, just thinking about how good of a dad he's gonna be gets me all..." I started, before shaking my head to try to clear the images of Harry holding our daughter before I lost it completely. "Anyways yeah, we're...we're having a baby, mum. You're gonna be a grandma."

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