Chapter 31

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Harry woke up before me the morning after his birthday, but he obviously didn't want to be the only one awake for long, because he was practically bouncing up and down despite his prone position. I kept my eyes shut, but he wasn't having it. I heard him get out of bed with a huff, and the next thing I knew he was pacing back and forth, humming much too loudly for such an early hour in my opinion.

I peeked a glance at him and saw that he wasn't so much pacing the room as the three foot area in front if the side table where I'd placed his present the night before. I closed my eyes before he turned back, intent on feigning sleep until he got adorably frustrated, as I knew he would.

He didn't disappoint me.

"Zayn?" I heard him whisper. "Zayn, are you awake?" he asked, a little louder this time. "Zaaaaaayn..."

I ignored him for as long as I could, which was until he was on top of me on the bed, straddling my stomach and waving the gift above his head. "I know you're awake, stop faking. We've got things to do."

"What could possibly be important this early in the morning?" I grumbled.

"This," he said, pointing at the present. "You were so sexy and demanding last night that you made me totally forget to open it."

I gave him a small smile and pushed him off of me so that I could get up to brush my teeth. I winced as I pulled on my boxers, but the pain subsided a bit as I walked to the bathroom. I leaned against the wall as I started to brush my teeth and looked over at him.

"Go ahead and open it," I said with a mouth full of paste.

Harry grinned and immediately ripped the wrapping off of it, not by carefully undoing the edges as I would have done, but by basically shredding it into far more pieces than necessary in his haste. I smiled at my overeager boyfriend as I watched him to see what his reaction to the journal would be.

He looked it over carefully, taking in the black on gray plaid print on the front and back covers, for a full minute before he opened it. He looked up at me with bright eyes as he saw that I hadn't just given him a blank notebook, but something that I had written in. He turned back to it and I forgot to continue brushing as I found myself holding my breath as I watched him flip slowly through the pages, running his fingers over the words and drawings. I took in every detail of him as he looked over the details of the book, from the way he bit his lip when he saw the first drawing to how his fingertips lingered over my face in each of the drawings.

When he looked back up at me his eyes were even brighter, and I thought he might cry. He stood and walked over to me, pulled the toothbrush out of my mouth and kissed me full on the lips, ignoring the fact that I hadn't yet rinsed. His mouth was as white and foamy as my own when he pulled away and I laughed, dragging him into the loo.

Once we were cleaned up I brought him back to the bed, still wanting to know whether he liked the gift.

"What do you think?"

"Babe, it's perfect. You have no idea how much I appreciate the time and effort you put into spoiling me. I'm a lucky boy," he grinned, waggling his eyebrows.

"It has a lock," I said as I reached into my jeans on the floor, "so I had these made. One for each of us."

I handed him one of the silver chains with the little keys hanging from it and pulled the other one over my head. It fell right above the lips on my chest, and it felt right to have it so close to my heart.

Harry looked at it for a moment before sliding it on. "You know, I'm really starting to wonder about you Zee. First you want to bottom, then you get all lovey dovey with your gifts. I'm pretty sure I've turned the Bradford Bad Boi into a total sap. You've gone soft."

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