Chapter 10

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As soon as I woke up I knew for sure that this morning was going to be better than the one before. The feeling of Harry rutting against my hip and his teeth on my ear assured me of that. I moaned in pleasure as I felt his hand press against me.

"Well good morning to you too," I murmured.

"Wouldn't want morning wood to go to waste now would we?" he replied while kissing down my torso.

"Believe me, I'm not complaining," I moaned as he planted kisses across my stomach. I bit my lip as I felt his hot breath against me. His lips had just wrapped around my tip when suddenly the door burst open and Safaa bound into the room and hopped up onto the bed, landing on her knees with a thud.

"Harreh! What are you doing here?!" she screamed, launching herself onto him as soon as he poked his head out from underneath the covers.

"I came to visit you and your big bro. But mainly you of course," he whispered conspiratorially.

"But why are you in the same bunk?"

"Well...Zayn had a bad dream and wanted me to protect him."

Safaa nodded solemnly. "He is a pretty big wimp."

"Hey! I take offense to that. You know nobody's braver than me," I insisted.

"Sure, sure," they both responded, rolling their eyes.

"I've had about enough of you!" I yelled, pushing them both off of the bed. Safaa took the hint and ran out of the room laughing, leaving Harry and I alone in the bedroom once again.

"I guess we should probably get dressed before we have to explain ourselves to someone less trusting than Safaa, huh?" he asked, pulling on his jeans and t-shirt from the night before.

I laughed out loud as I read the writing on his shirt. "Keep Calm and Listen to Your Inner Goddess...really Harry?"

"Hey, that's solid advice. My inner goddess never leads me astray. So what's on the agenda for today?"

"I didn't know you were coming so I actually have an appointment with an estate agent this morning to look at a house I'm thinking about buying for my mum."

"That's so sweet Zayn. Do you mind if I come with?" he asked nervously.

I smiled at him. "Of course not, just don't tell my family where we're headed. If I end up getting it for her I want it to be a surprise. Ready to go face them?"

He nodded and we brushed our teeth and headed downstairs. Safaa and my mum were sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea. "Harry, what a wonderful surprise," my mother beamed at him as she stood up to give him a hug. "What brings you to Bradford? When did you arrive?"

"Well, I..." he began before shooting me a pleading look.

"Geez mum, what's with the inquisition? It's too early for this," I grumbled, pulling Harry away from her questioning gaze.

She raised her hands in supplication. "Alright, sorry. Harry, you know you're welcome here anytime."

"Thanks Trisha," Harry said, unleashing the full power of his dimples on her. She grinned back, making me wonder if there was there anyone who could resist his charms.

Harry and I busied ourselves making tea, whispering about our plans for the day. I peeked over my shoulder at my mum and saw that she was watching us with an odd expression on her face. I took a step back from Harry when I realized how close we had been standing, not wanting her to get suspicious. Fuck, was this what it was always going to be like when I was with Harry? Constantly fighting my instincts and worrying about what people were thinking?

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