Chapter 22

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I woke up to find that Harry and I had switched positions while sleeping. I was now the little spoon to his big spoon, and I wiggled back against him even more, enjoying the feeling of his breath tickling my neck and how safe and protected I felt wrapped up in his cocoon.

I was surprised at how much comfort I took in the warmth of the body behind me. I could feel his heart beating against my back, strong and steady, and I brought his hand up to rest over my own heart as I thought back on how much had changed for us since our first kiss.

How had he gone from a mate to my everything in just one short month? Part of me felt like we had been together forever, two puzzles pieces that didn't make any sense on their own but fit together perfectly, while the other part of me was still trying to come to grips with the fact that I was feeling this way about a guy.

I wasn't stupid; I knew that I could easily find a girlfriend, someone who would cheer for me from the sidelines at gigs and pose with me on red carpets and be waiting for me when I got home at night. Someone who I could introduce to my family and have 2.5 kids with and live predictably ever after with.

But was that really what I wanted? Was that something that I could even stomach after discovering what being with Harry was like? Was I supposed to give up the warmth of his arms around me and the dizzying sensation of his kisses and the way he could make me laugh harder than anyone else just because he was a man? If being with him was so wrong then why did it feel so goddamn right?

I was startled out of my thoughts when C'mon N' Ride The Train started blaring from my jeans across the room.

"Liam's calling you," Harry murmured from behind me.

"Did you change all of my ringtones?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Mmmhmm," he answered, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Did you use any songs from this century?"

"That's for me to know and you to dot dot dot..." he mumbled, still sounding half asleep.

"I can't wait to hear what song you picked for Perrie," I said as I pulled his arms tighter around me.

"Well you'll be waiting a while, cause I blocked that bitch," Harry said, sounding a little more awake and more than a little pissed off.

I laughed before another thought occurred to me. "How'd you get into my phone anyway? It's password protected."

"Yeah, but not very well. It took me like three tries to figure out that it's your X Factor number. You need to step your game up if you want to thwart me."

I untangled myself from him so that I could turn around and face him. "You know my audition number?" He nodded. "Oh my god, you're obsessed with me, aren't you? Go on, admit it," I yelled as I jumped on top of him and held his arms above his head while peppering his face with kisses.

"Never! I'll never admit it; you'll just have to keep torturing me like this," he said as he tried to move his lips to mine.

I laughed as I sat up, pulling him with me before grasping his cheeks and bringing his face towards mine. I kissed him slowly, sliding my tongue into his mouth as gently as I could, just teasing him really, before pulling away, leaving him wanting more.

Harry groaned. "Okay, fine. I'm obsessed with the one and only Zayn Malik, alright? Though I prefer to think of it as just being a good boyfriend."

I smiled at his use of the word, still unused to how it sounded coming from his lips. I liked knowing that it meant that I was his, that he was claiming me in a way he'd never claimed anyone else.

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