Chapter 23

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We kissed and kissed until our lips were swollen and our fingertips were frozen and Harry's chin was bright red from my stubble, and then we kissed some more. The small part of my brain that wasn't consumed with how good he felt pressed against me was a little worried that he hadn't said that he loved me too, but it felt so freeing to have my feelings out in the open that I pushed that worry to the back of my mind. Instead I focused on the luxury of being able to kiss him outside, enjoying the way the breeze was blowing his curls against my cheeks and how the moonlight softened his features, making him look like the Harry I had met almost four years ago.

He pulled away first but I followed him with my mouth, not wanting to stop kissing him. He allowed me one, two, three more kisses before he backed away with a laugh and led me by the hand to the door. He bent down to retrieve my trainer and knelt in the doorway to help me slide it on.

"I better tie this for you," he said as he did up my laces. "Wouldn't want you to fall for anyone else."

I smiled, taking his hand again. We walked to the room like that, too wrapped up in each other to worry about anyone else seeing us. I felt a burst of shyness as we reached my door, hoping that I hadn't scared him away with my confession. "Ummm, do you want to like...are you staying with me tonight?"

Harry just nodded, suddenly seeming a bit shy himself. I opened the door and stopped just inside it, feeling ridiculously insecure and painfully aware of Harry's silence. "Listen Harry, I'm sorry if I said too much-"

Harry stopped me from saying any more by placing a finger to his lips and beckoning me over to the bed. I walked over and sat a few feet away from him but he wasn't having it. He sat Indian style on the bed and pulled me towards him until we were facing each other with our knees touching. I opened my mouth to speak but he didn't give me the chance. "Nope.  You had your turn. Now I get to talk."

I bowed my head to him, feeling a nervous excitement thrumming through my veins. I wasn't sure what he was about to say, and I could only hope that it was something good. He took both of my hands in his and leaned closer to me, until our faces were only inches apart.

"I know you already got your AmaZayn costume, and while I fully intend on making you try it on for me tonight, first I want you to read this," he said as he reached behind him and pulled out a red envelope with my name on it.

I opened the envelope and pulled out a birthday card with a giant bee on it. My breath hitched in excitement as I noticed his messy handwriting covering much of it, but I forced myself to read the printed message first.

Happy Birthday To The One Who Makes Me...

Dance like a fool

Forget how to breathe

Shine like gold

Buzz like a bee

Just the thought of you

Can drive me wild

Oh, you make me smile

I smiled up at him in appreciation before looking back down so that I could read what he had written.

Dear Zayn,

The best feeling in the world is kissing someone for the first time when you've really wanted to kiss them for a long time. But with you it was more than that. When we kissed everything else faded away and I realised that I'd never REALLY been kissed before, because you're the only person I should be kissing. And it's not because you're a guy (we both know I'd kiss your gramps after I get a few drinks in me), but because it was YOU. Kissing you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing that it would be your favourite song ever. We kissed and I wanted to laugh because I was so happy to FINALLY be kissing you, but I also wanted to cry because I was so scared that I might never be able to kiss you again.

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