Chapter 67

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Our time on the island had been idyllic, just what we needed after the long tour. I'd been surprised to find that I'd been able to avoid obsessing over what people were saying about us for the most part, though the thoughts would creep their way in on occasion. Despite this, whenever I thought about Harry kissing me onstage the most prominent feeling was one of relief. Relief that it was done, that everything was out in the open, with no possibility of going back. I had always been that way, stressing out over making a decision, endlessly weighing the pros and cons, and the decision of when and how to come out had been no different. But whenever I finally made a choice and committed to it the relief was always instantaneous. I was glad that we were finally being honest with the world, and I couldn't imagine ever regretting that decision, no matter how people reacted to it. 

The weather had been a bit colder than I preferred, but that hadn't stopped us from doing all of the coupley things that I'd always dreamed of doing with Harry on holiday, and I probably spent more time on the beach that week than I had in my whole life combined. We built sand castles and played frisbee, and I cheered Harry on from the sidelines as he attempted to wake-board, looking absolutely adorable in his skintight wet-suit. We went for long walks together, holding hands and kicking water at each other until Harry inevitably tried to get me to go farther in and I had to distract him with kisses until we were making out in the sand like we were in some sort of romantic comedy.

We were finally blessed with warm enough temperatures to be able to take our shirts off and really enjoy all the beach had to offer. We took full advantage, wanting to soak up the sun before our trip ended. We still had a few items to check off of our beach bucket list, so we started with me burying him in the sand.

I patted him up and down to make sure that he was completely covered before leaning back and resting my head against him so that I could look up at the sky. I shielded my eyes with one hand, watching the clouds float across the clear blue expanse as the sun warmed my face. London and all the drama there seemed worlds away, and I almost wished that I could stay in this moment forever. I couldn't remember ever feeling so content. So calm and complete. Harry was the reason for it all, and I was eternally grateful for whatever fates had brought us together.

"Were you worried about bringing me to an island? Since I don't like the water?" I asked as I turned to look at him.

"I was hoping that maybe you'd gotten over your fear since you went in the ocean that one day, after we..." he began, looking as sheepish as he could manage at the mention of our breakup sex, considering that only his head was visible. He didn't say anything more, probably worried that I'd leave him buried.

"Yeah, I went in, but it wasn't exactly a positive experience. I've never been more scared than I was that night, and not just because of the ocean," I admitted quietly, remembering just how heartbroken and lost I'd felt. But now, sat with Harry on a beautiful beach, I knew that our relationship was so much deeper and more stable than it had been then, and suddenly I didn't want to be scared anymore. "Do you want to get in?"

"With you? You'll really come in with me?"

I nodded tentatively as I stood up. "We gotta get that sand off of you somehow. Just a little bit though, okay? Not too deep."

He agreed readily, so I pulled him up and we began to make our way towards the shoreline. He let me set the pace, never pressuring me to go faster or farther, and he held my hand the entire time, even wrapping an arm around my waist when he saw me start to get anxious. The water was a lot warmer and calmer than it'd been off the coast of Florida, but that didn't stop me from imagining that I was about to be attacked by some vicious sea creature. We only made it out to chest level before I bailed, unable to stop thinking of of all the unknown terrors that could be hidden in the ocean's depths, but I could tell that he was proud of me. I felt like I could do anything with him by my side, so I decided to continue my brave streak.

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