Chapter 8

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The next few days dragged by. We'd flown out of DC and after one more night in a hotel we were back on the road. Adjusting to being on the bus again was harder than it should have been. We had only been away from it for a few days, but I had gotten spoiled by having a place to be with Harry alone. A place where we didn't have to limit our hugs or stifle our moans.

But back in the land of buses and bunk beds, privacy and alone time were practically unheard of. Harry and I were trying to make the best of it, but in truth I was growing desperate. We were almost always surrounded by the other boys, and when we did get a second to ourselves we were constantly looking over our shoulders to make sure no one was coming. It was exhausting and made me moody.

Harry seemed to be handling it better than I was, though I knew he was feeling frustrated as well. I could tell by the frantic way he pulled me into the loo the first time we were left alone on the bus, kissing me roughly and with abandon, like he wanted to devour me.  

"Thank god we have a break soon. It's torture to be around you and not be able to touch you," he said with a sigh as we broke apart.

"I know. We'll just have to make up for lost time when we're in London," I replied as we straightened our clothes and headed out of the tiny bathroom, knowing that the lads would be back any minute.

We hadn't been able to be together, that way, all week, though I had been woken up in the middle of the night a few times to find Harry leaning his head into my bunk to give me a kiss. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into bed with me, but that would've been too risky. But now we finally had some R&R scheduled. The whole band was flying into Heathrow and we were each planning on spending a few days with our respective families. Harry and I had decided to meet up at his house in London in five days, and I couldn't wait. Since it was still morning everyone was awake on the flight, Harry and I spent the entire time texting each other all of the things we wanted to do to each other as soon as we were alone.

I felt dizzy from the lack of blood in my brain, and I was beginning to worry that I was going to come in my pants if he mentioned how much he wanted to feel me inside of him one more time, so I did the only thing I could think of. I made a point of turning my phone off and jogged to the bathroom with my hands in my pockets to cover my hard on. As soon as the door was locked my pants were down around my ankles and I was tugging on my cock.  I was so worked up that I came after only a few strokes, closing my eyes and imagining being with Harry on every surface in every room of his house. 

I heard a knock on the door as soon as I finished, so I cleaned myself up and opened it to find Harry standing there with a big smile.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't wait," I admitted sheepishly. 

Luckily he just laughed and leaned in to whisper, "You'll just have to make it up to me later this week," before taking my place in the bathroom with a wink.

Once we landed Harry seemed to get a little nervous. I waited until we were almost outside and waiting for our drivers to pull around to ask him if he was okay.

"Yeah, I just...I kind of wrote something for you."

"Really? What is it?"

"Nothing much, just something I was messing with this week. Just don't read it until later, okay?" he asked as he pressed an envelope into my hand.

"Okay Haz.  Thanks," I responded, unsure of whether to be wary or excited about what the envelope could contain.

"My car's here. Just imagine that I'm kissing you goodbye right now, kay? I'd probably be squeezing your ass too," he whispered into my ear.

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