Chapter 60

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At times like this I absolutely loved my life. Hanging out with the boys, who felt more like family to me than friends, when everyone was getting along was always a good time. The lines between work and play had always been a bit blurred for us, and things had only gotten fuzzier when Harry and I got together. But right now I was sat next to the love of my life and surrounded by my best mates, on our way to a show where a stadium full of people had paid good money to see us. My life was fucking amazing, and the only problem I was facing today was how to resist snogging Harry in front of everyone. Cause let's face it, his lips were made for kissing. I couldn't tear my eyes away from them, all pink and pouty and perfect, and knowing what they felt like, what they could do for me and to me, only made resisting them more difficult. And then he decided to make it even harder on me when he looked over and smirked. Fucking smirked, like he knew exactly what was going through my mind.

I didn't know how he still managed to do that, make my stomach swoop with just a glance even after a million minutes and countless kisses, but he did. One look from him, one sniff of his shampoo, one gentle touch, and I wanted him just as much as I ever had. I finally understood why so many of our fans were desperate to kiss him or even marry him, because I was too. I fucking pined over him when we were apart, obsessing over what he was doing and when I would see him next. I was totally and completely lovesick for him; it made me feel out of control and was probably unhealthy, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

I knew that the guys wouldn't appreciate it if I dragged him off to my bunk, and we were all getting along really well, so I needed to be strong. One kiss would inevitably lead to two, then three, until we were full on making out, so I had to abstain completely. And being a man of little self control, I decided that sleep was the only way to overcome my impulses. Being unconscious also had the added benefit of helping me protect what little reputation I still had. I couldn't seem to control the way I looked at him, and I was sure that the other guys were already picturing me as a cartoon character with heart eyes, that's how over the moon I was for him. Plus, I found myself giggling uncontrollably at all of his dumb jokes, and though he'd always had this effect on me, now that everyone knew that we were together I was sure that the boys all saw it as yet another sign of how whipped I was. And even though it was an indisputable fact, the degree to which I was whipped, that didn't mean that I wanted to be made fun of for it.

I started to doze off with my head in Harry's lap, lulled into a peaceful state by the motion of the bus and the feeling of his fingers running through my hair. I could hear the soft murmurs of everyone's voices around me, but the sound, along with the familiar warmth of Harry's other hand held tightly in my own and pressed against my chest, comforted me. It was nice knowing that I was surrounded by so many of the people that I cared so much about.

I was about to fall completely asleep when Liam's panicked tone startled me. In my dazed state I wasn't sure what he was saying, but I knew that it wasn't good from the way that Harry's body tensed beneath me and how his hand froze in my hair. I sat up as quickly as I could manage and Harry immediately pulled me closer. I was sure that he meant it to be comforting but it only increased my anxiety, and a quick look around the group told me that I had a reason to be worried.

"What's going on? What's happened?" I asked Harry. He looked at me but seemed unable to speak. I turned towards Liam when I heard him clear his throat.

"It appears that Jade was in a car accident in London late last night. I've just seen on Twitter that she was rushed to The Royal London Hospital. There aren't a lot of details, but it says that she's in surgery."

I put my head in my hands, wishing desperately that I hadn't really woken up and that this was just some kind of nightmare. Everyone was quiet for a moment, before Louis asked the question they were probably all thinking.

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