Chapter 30

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I woke up in Harry's arms and immediately gave him a big birthday kiss. After grabbing some breakfast we spent most of the day on the road, relaxing and watching movies. I was sat slouched on the sofa with Harry lying sideways, halfway on top of me so that his curls were in my face and one of my arms was wrapped around his chest.

Niall and Liam were sitting across from us, and it felt amazing to not have to hide in front of them. They didn't seem to mind our cuddling too much, though at one point Liam had pulled Niall onto his lap.

"Come on Ni, I feel left out," he said as he grabbed his face and pretended to make out with him.

"Watch out boys, that's how it all starts," I warned, just as Louis walked into the room. He took a seat in the armchair and looked at Harry nervously.

"Happy birthday Harry."

Harry glanced up at me before turning back to Louis. "Thanks man," he answered quietly. I gave him a squeeze, hopeful that there wouldn't be any drama today. Maybe Louis had accepted the new relationship dynamics and wasn't out to cause trouble for Harry and me anymore. Or maybe he hated me as much as ever. I honestly didn't know with that guy.

We checked into the hotel a couple of hours before we were due at the restaurant, and for the first time in a long time I went to my own room instead of Harry's. After a long hot shower to try to soothe my nerves I got dressed in a white shirt with a wide collar that I knew Harry liked and headed out of the hotel to run a quick errand. Thirty minutes and a quick stop back at my room later I was knocking on Harry's door.

He opened it wearing a charcoal Henley with tight black pants and a black beanie, and he looked incredible.

"You are really wearing those damn Styles, you look sick," I complimented him as I looked him up and down. He ignored my words completely, too focused on what was in my hands.

"Are those for me?" he asked.

"All for you baby," I smiled as I handed him the giant bouquet of purple daisies that I had just bought him. I'd intended to go with classic red roses, but as soon as I'd seen how bright and beautiful these flowers were I'd known that they'd be perfect for Harry.

"Thank you. No one's ever bought me flowers before. Did you have them delivered?"

"No, I just walked downtown and bought them. Some girls took my picture, so it might be online soon, but they'll probably just figure..."

"That they're for Perrie," Harry finished. "It doesn't matter. They're for me and I love them. Thank you," he said, placing a kiss on my lips. "Oooh, what's that?" he asked, pointing at the wrapped present in my hand.

"That's for later," I answered, earning a pout from him. "Come on, I made sure that we could ride to the party alone. I hope that's okay?"

"Wouldn't want it any other way."

I took the flowers from him and set them and his present down on the table before taking his face in my hands and giving him a long kiss. We headed out of the hotel and into the van and a short drive later we were walking into a country western bar that smelled of beer and barbecue sauce.

I laughed at the decor, from the neon beer signs and deer heads on the walls to the checkered tablecloths and peanut shells littering the floor, but Harry grinned. "This is perfect," he breathed.

He was quickly engulfed by our friends, all wishing him a happy birthday. We were soon seated and dinner was actually really fun, full of delicious food and flowing conversation. The only negative was that Perrie had snagged the seat on my other side, but I ignored her as best I could and focused all of my attention on Harry. I had pretty much given up all pretense of acting like we were engaged unless management or fans were watching, but I still was not in the mood to deal with her conniving and manipulative ways. Luckily they served us pitchers of beer, and though American ale tastes horrible I drank more than my fair share, feeling wound up and tense despite the relaxed atmosphere.

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