Chapter 46

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Harry and I stayed up most of the night, trying to wrap our heads around how drastically our situation had changed with just one conversation. My stomach was full of butterflies, though I wasn't sure if they were due more to nerves or excitement. But when Harry looked up some sort of due date calculator online and figured out that the baby would be born just a few months after our tour ended my anxiety overpowered any enthusiasm.

My head started to spin when I realized that one of us would be a father this year. This was all happening so fast, and we were both so young. I think Harry saw me starting to lose it, because he quickly wrapped his arms around me and reminded me that if anyone was equipped to handle an unplanned pregnancy, it was us.

"Think about it babe. We're already scheduled to have a break after the tour, so the timing works out perfectly. We're financially able to provide for the child, we can afford to hire a nanny to join us when we go back on the road, and tutors when the baby's older. And I know we're young, but I don't feel like I'm only twenty. Do you feel your age?"

I shook my head. I really did feel older than my twenty-one years. We'd worked so hard and lived so much since we'd joined the band that I felt like we'd jammed a decade into just a few years. Plus, knowing that the group was responsible for the jobs and livelihoods of several dozen people had forced me to act more maturely. I was no longer scared of responsibility, and realizing that calmed me down a bit.

"Plus, we have the most important thing of all going for us," Harry continued. "We're in love, and we're going to love this baby. I don't care if it's mine or yours, cause it's going to be ours."

I smiled at him as my heart expanded. I thought that I had given him my whole heart months before, but each time that he knew exactly what to say like this I loved him even more. Every time he showed me what an insightful, loving man he was I gave him another little piece of me, a piece that I hadn't even realized that I'd been holding back. Or maybe my heart was just growing, like it was unable to handle how much I loved Harry in its original form.

"You mean everything to me Haz. I hope you know that," I told him before turning around so that he was spooning me. "And you're right, we can do this. We'll do it together."

"Together," he murmured as we both drifted to sleep.

We woke up just a few hours later, Harry still wrapped around me, and I squeezed his hand as I rolled over to look at him. There was nothing better than waking up with him. I loved how wild his hair looked, and how he always smiled at me before he even opened his eyes. Plus having his strong arms around me made me want to stay in bed all day, enjoying how tightly he held me and how rough his hands felt against my skin.

"Morning love," I whispered. "Sleep good?"

He nodded, his mouth quirking up in a half smile as his eyes began to flutter open. "Good," I said. "I was thinking that maybe we should send some room service to Jade's room. Just to let her know that we're thinking of her."

He opened his eyes all the way and beamed at me as he stretched. "That's a great idea. Plus we want to make sure she's eating right, for the baby," he said, his voice extra rough and raspy. He rolled over, picked up the room phone, and proceeded to order what sounded like most of the menu, asking for half of it to come to our room and half to go to her room. "Would you look at that...we're already great dads," he said after he hung up.

We ate breakfast in bed, arguing over baby names (I vetoed Harold Jr. despite a hard fought argument on Harry's part) and whether the baby would be an ace footballer or an artistic prodigy. We also had an in depth conversation about whose singing voice we'd want the baby to inherit. I told him that his was my favorite voice in the world, so of course I wanted our baby to sound like him, but he said the exact same thing about mine, so we eventually agreed to disagree. It wasn't until our meal was over that we moved on to more serious topics.

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