Chapter 14

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Harry surprised me by heading towards his bathroom instead of his bed when we reached his room. He turned on the water and turned back to me, pulling me into a deep kiss. I felt him slide my pants and boxers off without breaking the kiss, and as soon as I had stepped out of them he moved us into his huge shower and under the hot stream of water. I felt my anxiety slipping away as my lust returned, and I deepened the kiss and held him as close to me as I could.

Harry broke away first and reached for the body wash. He worked my entire body into a rich lather, paying special attention to my dick before pushing me under the water to rinse me off. I reached for the soap but he shook his head and kissed his way down my neck and chest before kneeling down and taking me in his mouth. He looked up at me through his eyelashes and he looked so fucking obscene that I had to look away, knowing that I would finish far sooner than I wanted to if I stared at his sweet pink mouth on me for one more second.

So instead I tossed my head back, relishing the feeling of his plump lips sliding up and down my length. This continued for several glorious moments but just as I felt my release nearing he pulled away from me with a loud popping sound and spun me around so fast that I had to put my hands against the wall to avoid falling down.

I felt one of Harry's hands grip my hip while the other one pushed me slightly forward. Before I could ask him what he was doing his tongue was pressed up against me and I lost all ability to speak. The initial feeling was odd and a little uncomfortable, but as he continued his ministrations I felt myself relaxing into it and soon sensations I had never felt before were making me weak in the knees.

His tongue was relentless, and there seemed to be no end to the different ways he was using it to bring me to the edge. I'd had no idea that this could feel so good, and a steady stream of moans and curses and chants of Harry's name were falling from my lips. My cock was soon throbbing, and I came after only a few strokes when Harry reached around to touch me.

My release was so strong that I collapsed to my knees, barely finding the energy to turn around to face him. It was all I could do to kiss him for the next few minutes, knowing that he needed to come too but too spent to do anything about it. I finally gathered enough strength to move him up onto the bench inside of the shower.

I slid him forward so that he was only partially sitting on the seat and lathered up one of my hands before licking him up and down and slowly taking him into my mouth. I moved my soapy hand to his ass and pressed on his entrance, and he let out a deep groan as I slid my finger into him. I moved it in and out of him as gently as I could, shocked at how tight he was.

"Shit Zayn. Right there, right fucking there," he moaned as I went even deeper. I began to move more quickly, being sure to hit his bundle of nerves on every thrust. His legs soon started to shake and he began to babble incoherently, spurring me on further. I took him deeper into my mouth and felt his hands grip my hair as he came down my throat.

He collapsed back against the shower wall, the sound of his heavy breaths filling the space. When he finally opened his eyes he looked over at me with an amazed expression on his face. "How did we not know how good that was going to feel?"

I laughed. "I know, I feel like someone should have warned us or something."

"So fucking good right?"

"So fucking good baby."


The next few days passed blissfully. Our days were spent cuddling and laughing and doing all of the things that we had been doing together for years, only now the experience was heightened to match our growing feelings. Our nights were spent with more cuddling and more laughing and getting to know every inch of each other's bodies. I had thought that I knew everything there was to know about pleasure, but together Harry and I were discovering just how much we'd been missing out on.

I'd thought that I knew all there was to know about Harry as well, but he was opening up to me more than he ever had before. Seeing him in his own space and witnessing all of his eccentricities was the most amazing feeling in the world. Just knowing that I now knew things about him that even the most crazy and obsessive fan wouldn't be able to find out made me feel so damn special. Like how taking a bath with him was like bathing with a giant four year old, complete with bubbles and a rubber ducky and him seeing from how far away he could spit water on me. Or how he mumbled "Uhhh math," and handed me the receipt every time we ordered takeaway, wanting me to figure out how much to tip. Or how he liked to wear superhero costumes while he played video games, claiming that it gave him an edge. He preferred Superman and had pouted until I agreed to put on a slightly baggy Batman costume (though he promised that he was going to have an AmaZayn one made for me as soon as possible), and he looked so adorable all dressed up like that that sometimes we "forgot" to change out of them after we finished playing.

He was literally the cutest fucking guy in the world, and every moment I spent with him just made me want more. We hadn't spoken about what would happen when we had to go back to work, but I think we both knew that we had to enjoy this alone time while we could. I honestly hated having him out of my sight, and he didn't seem to be able to be in the same room as me without touching me.

Harry had been messing about with his phone one morning so I wandered over to his bookcase and grabbed a book. I heard him huff when I sat down on the armchair instead of next to him, but I didn't think anything of it until I saw him get up and come sit on the armrest next to me. A few minutes later he was sliding down next to me, squeezing us both into a chair that was definitely only made for one person. I bit my lip to hide my smile and continued to read (well, pretending to read anyway, since Harry was such a distracting motherfucker). Not even a minute later I felt the book being pulled from my hands, quickly replaced by his body as he climbed on top of me, demanding attention.

We stayed up as late as we could every night, talking about anything and everything and touching each other anywhere and everywhere before passing out, sometimes in the middle of a sentence or even a kiss. One night it felt like I had just closed my eyes when I felt Harry shaking me awake. He was waving one of his jumpers in front of my face and bouncing on his heels.

"Put it on, put it on," he ordered before grabbing my hand and literally skipping out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He made me put on my shoes when we reached the main level and then covered my eyes with his hand and pulled me out into the cold January night. "Ready babe?" I nodded and he removed his hand.

I opened up my eyes and immediately saw what he was so excited about. It was just barely snowing, but it was such a rarity in London and Harry's enthusiasm was so contagious that I found myself smiling like a schoolboy. We had lied down on one of his chaise lounges, cuddling closer and closer the colder we got, Harry exclaiming every few minutes about how beautiful the snow was.

Harry's joyful appreciation of the little things was one of the things I loved most about him. He never forgot to smell the rain or to feel the wind. In his eyes there was no such thing as an ugly baby or a mediocre sunset and under his influence I found myself appreciating things that I would never even have noticed before. Because of him I could feel myself slowly but surely becoming the me that I had always dreamed of being.

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