Chapter 48

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of Lux chanting my name. Harry must have moved her at some point during the night, because he was now pressed against me and she was on the other side of him.

"Zee. Zee. Zeeee!" she called. I looked over to see her perched on her knees, leaning over Harry's prone body.

"Morning, Lux. You okay?"

"Lux want mama."

"Alright hon, let's go see your mum," I agreed as I stretched. It was way earlier than I wanted to get up, especially on a day when we didn't have anything scheduled until the afternoon, but I was quickly learning that when it came to Harry or Lux, I couldn't say no. I could only imagine how quickly my own kid would have me wrapped around their little finger. And I couldn't wait.

Harry was still knocked out, so I got Lux ready quietly and we left without waking him. Lou was happy to see Lux, and extremely grateful that she was still in one piece. I gave Lux a big hug goodbye and told Lou that she could feel free to consider us available for babysitting anytime. Harry was still asleep when I got back to the room, so I quickly stripped and climbed back in bed, snuggling up to his warm body.

"Where'd you go? Missed you," he murmured as he pulled me closer, encasing me in his strong arms. I relaxed back into them, loving how easily they fit around me and how safe they made me feel. 

"Took Lux back to Lou. Man, watching her wore me out," I admitted with a yawn. "I think we managed pretty well though, don't you?"

"Yep, we're going to be the best dads ever, of that I have no doubt," he remarked.

"So glad to see you're just as humble as you've always been," I responded dryly.

I felt him shrug from behind me. "Hey, when you got it you got it."

"I think I'm gonna have to do something to take your confidence down a notch. Don't want your head to get any bigger, now do we?"

"Hey! I'll have you know my head is perfectly proportional to my body."

"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that, Styles. My beanie's still stretched out from when you wore it."

"Hush up and turn around, Malik. I want a kiss."

I shook my head. "Sorry babe, not happening."

"What? Why not?" he asked in disbelief.

"Cause if I kiss you it will lead to more kisses and that will lead to sexin' which will mean that I won't get any rest. And if I don't get any rest I'm gonna look terrible at the concert later," I explained, already feeling desperately needed sleep overtaking my body.

I felt him climb out of bed with a huff. "Well, if your beauty rest is so important to you then I better leave you to it."

"Thanks love," I mumbled. The sound of the door slamming was the last thing I heard as I drifted off.

The room was empty when my alarm woke me, so I got ready and headed down to meet everyone in the lobby alone. I was late as usual, so we all headed to a room on the first floor that had been set up as a mini studio as soon as I arrived. I made sure to stick by Harry's side until the interview began, soaking him up while I could, since I was guessing that our handlers had been instructed not to let us sit next to each other. My hunch proved correct, and Harry and I were separated by a sofa and all three of the other boys.

The interviewer got right to the hard hitting questions, asking us about what hair products we used and what super powers we wished we had. I was struggling to stay awake, so I pulled my phone out so that I could text Harry whenever the focus wasn't on me.

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