Chapter 24

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We were both exhausted, but we stayed up all night, enjoying the last few hours of alone time that we were going to have for a while. Harry wouldn't sit still and pestered me until I tried on the costume he'd had made for me. It was skintight and I felt like the biggest nerd ever in it, but the way he looked me up and down while biting his lip made it all worth it. That is until I ordered room service and Harry insisted that I answer the door wearing it. He stood to the side giggling like an idiot as the bellhop pushed the cart in and struggled to keep a straight face. I could just picture how the Internet would react if she somehow got a picture of me in this ridiculous getup, and I sighed to myself, wondering if there was anything I wouldn't do for this silly boy that owned my heart.

After I tipped her I turned to Harry, who was now looking more concerned than amused.

"Shit, we left the boys with the tab at the bar."

"I think they'll survive. Besides, I need to save my money for the massive tip I'm going to have to leave the maid. Poor thing had to clean up that mess you left on the door." Harry found this hysterical and spent several minutes laughing like a loon before suddenly switching gears and declaring that if I was going to be AmaZayn all night, then he needed to be "Naked Boy" and promptly beginning to strip.

"At least do a little dance for me if you're removing your clothes anyway," I insisted as I leaned back against the headboard and watched him start to undo his jeans. He grinned mischievously and did a little twirl before bending over and shaking his ass until his pants fell down. He barely managed to stay standing as he kicked them off and I bit back a laugh. He recovered nicely though, swaying his hips to a beat that only he could hear as he strutted towards me, pulling his shirt off and tossing it on the bed, along with his watch and bracelets.

He was soon standing before me in all his naked glory, wearing only his necklaces and shimmying his shoulders and wiggling his hips. He finished up by posing with one foot in front of the other and his chin resting on his fist, somehow managing to look utterly absurd and absolutely irresistible at the same time. I was torn between wanting to laugh at him and wanting to snog him, so I went with a combination of the two.

"Get over here Curly," I demanded as I pulled him down onto the bed. "How'd I end up falling for the biggest dork on the planet?" I asked with a laugh, positioning him between my legs and kissing down the side of his throat.

"Just lucky I guess," he murmured as he moved his neck to the side to give me more room and reached for the remote. We ended up watching a string of movies that I didn't pay any attention to, too focused on the giant manchild between my legs. I couldn't keep up with him and I couldn't get enough of him and I didn't want to ever let him go. He captivated me in every sense of the word. I had never met someone who was so vibrant, and while his declaration of love had quieted some of my worries I couldn't help but think that he was out of my league. If people were cars then I was a beater and he was a Jaguar. If we were colors then I was gray and he was neon yellow, brighter than the sun.

I ignored these nagging thoughts and pulled him closer. He winced a bit at the movement, and I was reminded of his bad back. "You okay babe? Want me to give you a massage?"

Harry didn't say anything, just flopped down sideways on his stomach, obviously okay with the idea. I grabbed some lotion from the nightstand and straddled him, squirting a dollop onto his back. I began to rub it into his skin, enjoying the way the cold cream disappeared into his hot skin. His muscles were strong and hard underneath my hands and he was purring like a cat, making it feel like he was vibrating. I massaged him for several minutes, inching closer and closer to his hips and trying to resist the urge to flip him over so that I could touch more of him.

Luckily Harry seemed to be thinking the same thing. "You know, my front's pretty sore too. I think it could use some attention," he mumbled with his eyes still closed. I climbed off of him so that he could roll over and was rewarded with the sight of him, his cock hard and his mouth quirked up in a smile. I straddled him again, my tight spandex costume allowing me to feel every inch of him.

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