Chapter 71

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I'd been proud of myself for coming up with the idea to throw a Halloween party, already missing the boys and knowing that Harry needed a chance to be sociable without having to deal with the media following us everywhere, but now, with the drinks going down easy and my eyes locked on the love of my life, I realized that it was the best idea I'd ever had.

My head was fuzzy and my body felt heavy, but my heart was light as I stared at Harry, dancing up a storm and looking fucking delectable in his costume. We were surrounded by all our closest friends, and my heart was filled near to bursting with love for every single one of them.

I was just as drunk as I'd been the first time I'd watched him dancing like this, all those months ago, but this time felt incredibly different. Now I didn't just have the dream of what we could be, but the reality of it, which was infinitely more satisfying. Now he didn't just star in my fantasies but also in my heart and my mind and my life. And best of all, now there was nothing to stop me from walking up behind him, sliding my hands around his hips and dancing right along with him.

I wondered briefly what we looked like to an outsider as I ran my hand along the waistband of his pants, squeezing him tighter as the heat of his bare skin made my fingertips tingle. Probably something like the bastard love child of Walt Disney and Neil Patrick Harris, what with Harry's open collar and tattoos making his Prince Charming costume look far sexier than it had a right to and me decked out in full Aladdin gear, because come on, let's be real here - poor boy with great hair falls in love with a princess and sees all his wildest dreams come true - this was the role I was born to play.

I moved my hand to his stomach so that I could hold him tighter, our hips swaying together perfectly. That is, until Harry began to move against me instead of with me, causing a friction that made my head even fuzzier as all my blood rushed to my dick. Despite the cool temperature he had a light sheen of sweat covering his body, one that made me want to lick every inch of him. I couldn't keep my mouth from connecting with his neck, which was quickly angled so that I could give it the attention it deserved. I couldn't get enough of him, and I didn't think that I ever would.

I placed gentle, chaste kisses along the nape of his neck as we moved to the beat, not trusting myself to do more than that. But then I felt Harry's hands wrap around my lower back, pulling me even closer, and I couldn't resist opening my mouth. Just one taste, that was all I needed. At least that was what I told myself as I ran my tongue along the side of his neck, not stopping until my teeth were nibbling on his earlobe.

My brain knew that we should be good hosts, that we should mingle with the guests and make sure that they had everything they needed, but I was having trouble convincing my body of that. Harry wasn't helping matters, not with the way he was grinding back against me, the little moans escaping his mouth reverberating against my chest and making me press into him harder.

And then he moved an arm behind my head, pulling lightly on my hair, and the few inhibitions I had left disappeared. "I need you. I need you right fucking now," I whispered, pushing my hips forward to emphasize just how badly I wanted him.

He didn't hesitate, our guests long forgotten as he started for the stairs. I kept my body flush with his as we walked, knowing that my harem pants would leave little to the imagination. My hands trailed up and down his sides as we made our way upstairs as quickly as we could in our inebriated state. I thought he was leading us to our bedroom but he pulled me into the first door we came to instead, a guest room. I didn't give a fuck where we ended up, as long as we had some privacy. Hell, if he kept pushing his ass back against me I wouldn't even care about that for much longer.

My clothes were off in seconds, but his costume was much more intricate, so I sat down in an armchair and wrapped a hand around my cock as I watched him undress. We could still hear the music from downstairs, practically able to feel it vibrating from below us, and he swayed his hips to the beat as he unbuttoned his shirt. I bit my lip as I stroked myself faster, turned on beyond belief by the man in front of me.

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