Chapter 11

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Harry's house wasn't the biggest or the most expensive in his neighborhood, but it was beautiful. It was bright, open and eclectic, just like him. I hadn't seen it since he'd first bought it, and I was amazed at how much he had made it feel like a home in the short time he'd owned it. He'd decorated it with items from all of the different countries we'd visited, and his art collection was truly impressive.

"Harry, this place looks fantastic. I'm really impressed. You've got some edgy stuff here," I told him as he showed me around.

He blushed and looked at his feet. "Thanks. I was hoping you would like it."

"I do. Now which guest room should I put my stuff in?"

Harry looked crestfallen at my comment. "You want to stay in...I thought...I thought maybe-"

"Harry, I'll stay wherever you want me babe. I just thought you might not want my stuff all over your room."

He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "Well in that case, your stuff can stay in here," he said as he opened the door to a large but sparsely decorated bedroom and set one of my bags inside before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the end of the hall. "But you are staying in here," he said as he led me into his bedroom.

It was beautiful, though slightly messy. The walls were painted a deep green and the space was dominated by a huge bed covered by a bright white comforter and a massive amount of pillows. The bed was flanked by deep mahogany nightstands littered with books and magazines and a drawing. My drawing.

I looked at Harry. "You put my picture by your bed?"

"Well technically it's my picture now, but yes, of course I did. I wanted to keep it close to me. I'm going to get it framed sometime this-"

I cut him off by placing a gentle kiss on his lips. His eyes opened wide in surprise and I felt him laugh against my mouth, but he quickly recovered and returned the kiss. It meant so much to me that he liked my drawing enough to give it a place of pride in his bedroom. I knew he couldn't possibly like me as much as I liked him, but all of his actions were showing me that he did have feelings towards me. Just knowing that made me feel like the luckiest motherfucker in the world.

I pulled away reluctantly and looked up at him, keeping my hands on his shoulders. "Let's get this nightmare over with, okay? Cause after that I wanna spend every second I can with you. Just you."

He beamed at me and I felt my heart stutter. "That sounds like music to my ears."

I looked down at my watch. "I guess we should go get ready, yeah? The car should be here in like an hour."

"Woohoo," he answered sarcastically. I laughed and headed to the guest room to shower. As much as I was dreading tonight, I was glad that Harry would be there and I just wanted to get it all over with so that I could focus on having fun the rest of the week with him. The possibilities of what we could do all alone in this big house made my stomach flip a bit. This was all so new to me, and a little scary, but I knew that I would be much more nervous if it was anyone but Harry. Above all else, he was still my best mate, and I knew we'd figure it out together.

I showered and got dressed quickly, well quickly for me anyway, but it took a while to get my quiff perfect so Harry was sitting on the sofa waiting for me by the time I was finished. He whistled as I walked down the stairs so I did a little spin and gave him my best Blue Steel pout.

"Don't start with that face or I'm going to drag you right back up those stairs."

"I don't think I'd protest too much with how fit you're looking this evening Styles. Though I can't believe you beat me down here. Those luscious locks look like they must have taken hours."

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