Chapter 63

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We watched the sunrise from the balcony, the breathtaking array of colors brightening the sky and making it look almost as beautiful as the man sat next to me, staying cuddled up next to each other as we tried to get motivated to face the day. We took a sleepy shower together, taking turns washing each other's hair and doing our best to kiss away our yawns. We knew that our ride would be arriving soon, so we headed downstairs for a quick breakfast.

Harry manned the stove, cooking for us while I observed. Observation in this case mainly involved standing behind him with my arms wrapped around his waist, pulling his hair to the side so that I could kiss his neck. After burning our scrambled eggs he deemed me too distracting and forced me to the other side of the room, where I wouldn't be "as much of a temptation." I pouted as I made our tea and set the table, but in truth I loved that I was still able to fluster him this much with just a few simple kisses. Lord knew he affected me the same way.

I curled up against Harry, my favorite pillow, as soon as we got into the car, and the sound of his heartbeat quickly lulled me into a deep sleep. We had a long drive ahead of us, and I planned to take full advantage of it. I was exhausted from all of the drama of the past few days and from staying up all night, and I knew that I would be useless during the concert if I didn't get some rest now.

I felt a million times better when I woke up, but as I sat up to stretch I noticed that Harry still looked weary. He was staring at his phone with a concerned look on his face, and I ran my finger under his chin to get him to look up at me.

"Everything okay, babe?" I asked, my voice still thick with sleep.

"Yeah," he sighed. "Just all the shit we knew we'd be getting. Apparently we have a meeting scheduled with Paul and Nancy before sound check. Woohoo," he added, rolling his eyes.

We'd turned off our phones after we'd left the hospital, knowing that as soon as management got wind of the gossip that they'd be on our asses.

"Any word from your family?"

He shook his head. "No, but they're pretty used to ignoring the papers by now. My mum will probably be shocked that the press actually got something right this time. Well, partly right anyway. I guess we need to tell everyone what's going on now, yeah?" he asked, turning to look at me.

"Yeah. I don't really see any way to get out of it this time," I agreed.

I ran my hands through my hair, still unsure of the best way to tell everyone about the baby. I felt some of the stress that I'd been ignoring start to return, so I pulled out a spliff that I'd rolled the night before. I'd just gotten my lighter out when I noticed Harry pouting out of the corner of my eye. I ignored him as I took a big hit, holding it in until my lungs couldn't take it anymore.

I did a little dance as I blew it out, hoping that it would make Harry smile. It didn't.

"Is there a problem?"

He shrugged. "Nope. I guess you better smoke it while you still can."

"Dude, I've gotten high before plenty of our shows. I'll be fine, so don't you worry you're pretty little head," I teased him, ruffling his curls with my free hand before taking another hit.

"No, I was talking about when the baby's here, since you won't be smoking then."

I barked out a laugh as I exhaled. "Uhhh, okay mum, sure thing."

"I'm serious, Zayn. You're not actually planning on smoking after the baby's born, are you?" he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest and shooting me an affronted look that immediately made me go into defensive mode.

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