Lazy Boss & Hardworking PA

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Recap: Jwala met Vedanth - Ignoring him

Jwala's PoV
It's been afternoon and till now I didnt get any job from my boss. Is he ignoring me in revenge or seriously he dont want my help???😟 Thanks to Susan for giving me an overview of my work. And very very thanks for my boss for giving me no chance to use that information😏😒 What should I do now???😕

I took the phone in my cabin and called Susan. She attended it immediately.
"How can I help you Jwala?"she asked
"Susan, I didn't assigned any job till now. What would I do?" I was anxious and worried.
"This is not a big deal Jwala. Go and ask your boss. He is new to business. So you should sort out his unfamiliarity. Today's orders would be available in your boss computer. Check it out. And one more thing. Dont waste any time. Prakash sir hates it" she warned.

I ended the call immediately and went to my boss's cabin. He welcomed me with a wonderful sight. 😱

Mr.Prakash Malhotra 's son sleeping in office cabin😴😴😴
I felt to run away from that company at the moment I saw it. Oh god...How can I manage him???
I hate people who waste time and not interested in working....I just want to break his head. 😬 Unfortunately he is my boss now😡I cursed myself and Nisha for this job😠 I didnt asked for permission and entered into the cabin by closing the door with loud sound. That made that monster awake from his deep sleep.

Vedanth's PoV
I woke up from sleep hearing the loud noise. I found that beautiful PA once again infront of my eyes. She walked to me without giving me any attention. What is she doing??? Will she beat me??? Her red shot eyes clearly depicted all anger on me. But why??😕 I didnt disturbed her by giving any job. She is very much free here. Now she reached near me. Will she slap me??😟

"Can I use your computer?"she asked me. I sat properly from sleeping position.

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