Vedika's Truth is Out!!!

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Hai, actually I prepared to take a break since I have been stucked on the story line and wanted some time to proceed the story...But again you guys shocked me..When I saw the vote count for last chapter, I couldn't stop myself from writing for you...I dont want to make you wait.. This is the third chapter of this story getting 100+ matters a lot for me since it's my readers love for me..😍😍😍 thank you each and everyone for your love and concern😘😘😘 I dont Know how many times I said this, but I dont hv any problem in repeating this for 1000 more times..You all are awesome and I love you all👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏

3 Days after Engagement
Life again gets smoother for Vedanth excluding his wife's stubborn behavior sometimes...Except for him, she behaves very nice with all other family members.. And shalini didn't wasted a single opportunity to taunt her and she got enough from Jwala's mouth what she deserves... Vedika avoided coming Infront of Jwala since she is scared whether she would reveal the truth to her parents..Coming to Leya, she is in a depressed situation after their engagement. Her parents along with Vedika and Shalini are trying to cheer her up to their maximum..But nothing changed...Jwala and Arav are busy with the project and their works whereas Vedanth is busy getting advices from Veer on how to impress Jwala...

Vedanth's PoV:At Office
It's been a busy day where I have to attend two meetings. I really knew the importance of a PA within these days... I can't forget the fact that Jwala was an efficient assistant..she always took care of her jobs well...And I lost everything...

Suddenly I heard a knock on door and looked there.
"Come in"I said.
The door opened to reveal the face of my old friend Rajeev. He is now the city police commissioner.
"Hai Rajeev.."I stood up and gave him a shake hand.
He greeted me with a smile.
"Its been a long time we have met.."I said while gesturing him to sit.
"I was in a family tour for last two weeks...Sorry I couldn't attend your engagement... actually I joined back yesterday know it..a lot of cases that create headache for us..."he said.

"I know your job and busy schedules. Don't need to convince me with reasons..but you should be there for excuses that time..ok?"I asked.
"Sure.."he said.
"Can I order tea for you?"I asked.
"No rey..Pls don't treat me as a guest.."he requested.
"Anyway you came here to convince me.. that means a lot for me.. thank you brother.."I hugged him.

"Vedanth... actually I am here for an official purpose too..."he said giving me a serious look.
I felt suspicious seeing his state.
"You can tell me anything.."I assured him.
"Can we talk about it now? I mean are you free to hear me?""he asked.
"Dont need to wait for my free time..I know you are more busy than me.."I said.

We both sat for a discussion.
"Yesterday we have arrested two goons for kidnapping a girl while returning from school..we caught them within hours..but they said it was just for money they kidnapped the girl...they have already blackmailed the girl's parents for money..anyway we arrested them" he said.

"Thank God..they are caught..but I didn't understand what is the relationship of them with me? Why are you saying this to me?"I asked out of curiosity.

"There is a reason why I am here Ved.."he said
"What reason?"I asked in confusion.
"Ok let me tell you..when we enquired about those kidnappers in detail, we found that their native place is Chennai and they were actually here for another mission..but it was to compromise the effort they kidnapped that girl while returning to Chennai... And the reason why they here, thats the same reason now I am infront of you..."He said

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