Consoling his PA

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Extremely sorry for making you all wait...I thought to finish my other story and give regular updates here.. anyway Jwala Vedanth fans are compelling me to update here..this is for u all.. thank you for all ur love😘😘😘

Recap: Party - Vedika slapping Jwala

Next day at office: Vedanth's PoV
It's been three hours she came at office. Why she is not coming to me? Why she avoiding me? Is she angry with me? But I haven't done anything. It's Vedika who slapped's Shalu bhabhi who insulted her..I haven't abused her ..didn't insulted her...

My phone vibrated and I opened to see Jwala's message.
"Work is complete..Pls check ur mail"

I got angry seeing her msg. Why can't she come here and inform me instead of this msg? I am her boss. It's time to meet her.

I stood up angrily and went towards her cabin which is just adjacent to mine. I slammed the door and entered there. She jumped up from her seat seeing me like this.

"What happened? Any mistake in the work I have sent..?? I am really sorry."her words brought me back to the world.

What are you doing Vedanth? Why are you getting angry so easily? You are not like this with other girls...Don't you remember when you butter your other girlfriends when they act angry? You were ready to do anything for them for a compromise..and here...why are you getting angry with your PA's ignorance? Is it anything special for her? She is not like those waste's true...anything special for my relationship with this girl? Why are you getting hurted when she is crying?

"Sir..."I relieved from my thoughts feeling she waving infront of my face.
"Your work was perfect" I said to make her happy even though I didnt checked it.She smiled.

"I was scared seeing you coming to kill me" she said.

Is it? Was I so rude with her? You need to change Vedanth. I snapped me.

"I was coming to ask you..."I paused thinking whether it's right to make her again remember about yesterday's events.
"Ask me what?" She asked anxiously.
"Actually I am sorry for my sister's and bhabhi's behavior towards you..Pls forgive them" I manged to say this much.
"It's ok..."she turned back. I can understand she is trying to hide her tears.
"Jwala..are you ok?"I asked.
"Can I ask you something?"she turned back suddenly.

"Yes.. ofcourse.."I replied.
"Do you feel me like a beggar? Am I so bad with my dressing senses..?? I shouldn't have come to that party"she asked.

I broke into a sudden laugh....I couldn't control me even though I tried.😂😂😂
She again became uncomfortable Seeing my laugh. I stopped my stupidity.

"I am are not a are really rich..not with your outer make up or dressing style..but from inside your heart..."I said for which she smiled slightly.

Really..did I have such a talent to make people smile?  Anyway I decided to use it here.

"There are two types of people ..some may be rich with money..but poor with their heart and mind.. inorder to hide it they wear costly dresses and make up. Like my bhabhi and sister... The second category of people may be poor with money..but they have an heart that can change an entire world..kind and selfless... just like you..."I said for which her expression gave me an heart attack...😄

Seriously? Did she blush for my words??  First time I am seeing her blushing.😍😍 I am proud of you Vedanth..even the people who conquered Mount Everest was not as much happy as I am now. I moved towards her. She rolled my eyes at me and I immediately stepped back.

"Scolding your family is not a good thing.."she warned me with a smirk.
"I ..I actually..."I scratched my palm behind my neck.
"And in which category my boss belongs to?"she asked naughtily.
"Ofcourse the first category"I said for which she started laughing...I saw tears in her eyes due to excessive laughing. I felt happy.. atleast she came back to her happy mood. And I am the reason for it... Thank God...!!! A smile of satisfaction occupied on my lips.

" continue your works...I will come back..."I left her cabin.
Jwala's PoV
It's been a lot of years I laughed like this...a genuine laugh from my heart..and my boss is the reason for it..I dont know whether I am completely happy..but one thing I am sure.. atleast for this moment I am happy... Thanks sir!!!
At Lunch time: Author's PoV
"Excuse me sir.."Jwala asked knocking on Vedanth's cabin.
"Yes..come in" Vedanth replied.
"I am going to have lunch.."she said.
"Wait..wait..I will also come.." he said for which she was shocked.

Vedanth stood up only to see a shocked Jwala.
"What?"he asked.
"Having lunch with employees in canteen...?? No...why can't you call the peon and order your lunch here?"she asked.
"Hello Ms.PA...I am also a human being just like you...having lunch with my it a crime? "He asked.
"Your company...your canteen...your lunch... what's my problem?" Jwala quit.
"And My PA..."he completed.

Jwala looked at him in wonder.
"I was reminding you that you are my PA" he said.
Jwala gave him a glare and they both left to canteen.
"You are so cruel Jwala" Susan shouted throwing her handbag on the canteen table.

Vedanth and Jwala who were sitting there looked at each other.

"When you got a new company for lunch, you simply forgot me..."Susan complained.

Vedanth smirked at Jwala who gave a confused expression as a response.
"Didi..Pls reduce ur volume.. everyone is looking at us.."Jwala said.
"I am sorry sir."Susan said to Vedanth.
"It's ok..pls sit down.."he said.
"Now tell me..when did you both started your relationship?" Susan asked.

Jwala and Vedanth looked at each other in shock...
"What???" They asked together.😱😱
Jwala kicked on Susan's leg and she lost her aim. Unfortunately her poor boss had to bear that kick on his leg.

"It was my leg Jwala.."Vedanth said. Jwala gets embarrassed holding her head in her hands. Vedanth again smirked.
"Actually I meant about your friendship..."Susan corrected.
"There is nothing like's completely a professional relationship...he is my boss and I am his PA. That's all"she said continuing her lunch.

Vedanth's smirk changed to a disappointment with her words. Throughout the lunch she didn't look at him. He felt really bad. With an heavy heart he finished his meals. Susan was observing both...
Precap: Realizing his feelings!!!

Dedicating this chapter to

Sorry for small and bore update.. written with no planning..I am sorry...I will try to make it as interesting from next update onwards...thanks for bearing me...
Yours Teju💓💓💓

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