Special Confession!!!

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Recap: Jwala confessing her feelings!!!

Next day after the Presentation: Malhotra Mansion

Jwala was chopping the vegetables while sitting on sofa. She is frowning and muttering while doing her work. Her face shows that she has been irritated very much. She looked at the three men who planned to throw a party for the success of the presentation. It includes Ved, Veer and Arav. They are talking to each other and laughing. It made her more irritated. There is a reason for her behavior. It was them who decided to give a party to all their office staffs despite of her refusal. After that every responsibility of the party came on her head. They got busy on talking and it was her only who finally arranging everything related to the party. She sighed in relief for atleast his mom is helping her by preparing the dinner.

She got a look from Vedanth in the middle of their conversation. She glared at him and he understood that she is angry. He excused others and went towards her.

"What happened darling?" He asked while sitting beside her on sofa.
"Can't you see my troubles?" She said without looking at him.
"Oh who told you to do all the works alone?" He asked giving her a sympathy expression.
"Is there anyone else here to do this all?" She asked.
"Where is the helper I have assigned to you?" He asked.

She giggled and pointed to the chair beside the sofa. He saw Vedika sleeping while sitting there. He sighed.

"Like brother like sister..her brother sleeps at office while work..and she sleeps at home.."Jwala chuckled.
"Ok let me help you.." he snatched the tray from her. But she stopped him.
"It's ok..I was just kidding.. its not a tough job...you go and give company to them." She said while he refused to go away from her.
"No..I am not going..I am getting bored with their talks...I want to talk with you only..." He said making her smile.
"Then I have something important to talk with you..."she said gaining his attention.
"Tell me.."he said.
"I know it's a big party... definitely there will be your friends and colleagues..and they must invite you for a drink in the name of friendship..."she paused.
"Yes yes..such a good friends..." He said smiling.
"And if you dare to accept their offer and drink with them, then mark it..you will see my another face..."he scared seeing her change of expression.
"Who told you that I will drink?? I stopped drinking long ago.. don't you know it?" He asked trying to make her cheer.
"Better for you.."she said.

"Jwala..I have a request.."he said after sometime.
"Hmm.. tell." She asked.
"That... That" he stammered while scratching his forehead.
"That??" She looked at him confusingly.
"That..will you wear a saree today for party?" He asked.
"No way.."she said
"Why darling? Can't you fulfill this small wish of your husband? Pls..."he requested.

"Dont be a kid... first of all I don't know to wear a saree..and next I don't have a saree..." She said.
"I will buy you a saree now..."he was about to go out to buy saree. But she hold his wrist.
"Can't you understand? Already I have a lot of job here...I don't have time to wear a saree and.."she stopped seeing him pouting.
"Sorry.. don't be angry... actually I am very shy to wear a saree..pls understand Ved..." She requested.
"Its ok..."he said expressionless.
"Are you still angry?" She asked seeing him silent.
"No.." he said firmly.
"You are lying..I know you are mad at me...that too for a simple saree..." She pouted.
"I can't be angry at you..so pls calm..."he said.
She smiled.
"I will come soon.."he left and she looked at him again joining the men gang.
At Evening
The guests started arriving...Ved and Arav are on the entrance to welcome all. Arav's family is also attending the party since his grandfather is alright now. Vedanth's eyes are searching for someone too who is missing from last few hours. Prakash and Veer are very happy and continously talking about Ved's achievements to each and every guest. Lakshmi is missing... Shalini is wandering here and there describing about her new saree's cost to everyone. Vedika is busy in treating the guests with snacks and drinks only because she is forced by her brother. She has been scared by Ved that his police officer friend is also attending the party. Jwala's family is also there introducing to the guests.

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