His Confidence - Her Love

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Recap: Vedanth buying Jwala's house - handling over the documents - Leaving her home.

Finally it is the presentation day for project design. For the past many days, Arav Ved and Jwala worked a lot for the final presentation leaving all other personal matters. It is conducting on Vedanth's office and they already arranged everything in the most perfect way. The minister along with a lot of higher officials are already present to finalize the blueprint. Before Arav and Ved came, Jwala had already arranged everything on the conference hall.

They got a warm welcome. Jwala sat beside Arav and Ved took a separate seat. One of the team member gave a welcome speech taking everyone's name. Vedanth's eyes were fixed on Jwala throughout the time. Jwala was aware of his gaze and didn't look back. Finally the welcome speech is over and everyone clapped. Next they invited Arav to present the first half of design. Arav confidently came forward and presented his part. He was specific with points that earned a huge applause from the other members. He finished the presentation and everyone appreciated him. Arav came back and took his seat. Both Vedanth and Jwala smiled at him and appreciated.

Next it's Vedanth's turn. He was invited and became nervous. He looked at Jwala who was busy in talking with Arav. He nervously came forward. His time has started and still he didn't speak a word. Jwala became alert. But she couldn't do anything. Arav was also helpless. Ved struggled with words earning chuckles from the viewers. He coughed.

"Can I use washroom for a minute?" Ved asked.
"Sure..."a man from the team representing the government agreed.
"Thank you" Ved rushed to the washroom.

Jwala was confused seeing his actions. She is sure he was well prepared. They had done last minute rehearsals together. They both spent a full night together on terrace for that. And now wht happened to him? Jwala excused them and went behind him.

She entered the washroom and saw him standing at a corner with a pale face.

"What happened?" She asked moving towards him.
He didn't respond. Just kept quiet.
"Can't you hear me? I am asking you Ved..."she said.
"I don't think I can do it Jwala.."he said helplessly.
"Why are you thinking so?" She asked without understanding what he is conveying.
"Can't you see? I am nervous and tensed..it's a difficult task.."he said
"But it's not the first time you are doing it.." she tried to say.
"But this is a very important one..What if everything spoiled because of me?" He asked and she sighed.
"Ved..you have prepared well for this day.. didn't you?" She asked
"Yes..I did..."he agreed.
"Then why are you scaring?" She asked.
"I dont know what happened to me.."he said truthfully.

She thought for a moment and cupped his face.
"Ved..here.. look into my eyes.." she said.
He looked at her and he can see a new light there.
"I LOVE YOU VED..."She said and he was shocked hearing it.

Only he know how much he wanted to hear these words from her mouth. And whenever he tried, she didn't confessed. And now when he heard it unexpectedly, he dont know how to react. He was confused and stood there like a statue without averting his eyes from her. She also didn't move her eyes from his face. He couldn't speak a word because of the shock. They both lost in the eye lock.

"Ved..are you not hearing me? I love you and I can't live without my husband.."she said from her heart.
He still stood there with a widened eyes and opened mouth.

"Say once again..."he said moving his hands to her face.
"I Love you more than anything in the world now. I can't imagine a single day without you." She said more loudly.

He joined their heads and closed his eyes. They both cupping each other's face.

"I love you too Jwala... thank you."he said moving back a little and looked into her eyes.
"You dont have any idea how much I waited for this day. I was living only to hear this from you..and now.. you.." he touched her nose.

"I was also waiting to let you know about my love.."she said pinching his nose.
"Say it one more time.. please.."he asked.
"I love you Ved...love you .. love you.. love you...."she repeated and he heard it closing his eyes.

"But I love you more than you love me.." he said making her chuckle.
"Agreed.."she nodded.

She moved back taking her hands back from his face. He too left his hold on her. She wiped his face with the end of her shawl. He smiled seeing her care.

"Now go..you can do it Ved.. remember one thing..There are no one in the hall except you and me... look into my eyes and speak... Dont be tense.. Whatever it is I will be with you..we will share all our happiness and sorrows together." She said and he looked at her admiringly without blinking his eyes.

"One more thing..I don't like my husband fail anywhere." she said with a pout.
"I won't... Whenever you are with me.." he said determinantly holding her shoulders.

She kissed his cheek and he wondered.

"Where were you hiding all this love till now?" He asked.
She just smiled at him without giving any answers.
"Thank you Jwala..today might be the best day of my life.."he said.
"Now come..let's go.."she said holding his hand and they walked together back to the conference hall.

Arav smiled seeing Vedanth entering holding Jwala's hand. He nodded his head naughtily. Jwala took a seat in the front row adjacent to the place where he is standing.

He greeted everyone and asked the permission to start the presentation. He started it confidently and smartly. His eyes were on Jwala who is sitting next to him as his strength and confidence. He didn't feel any nervousness or tension during the presentation. It was the best one and he didn't forget to point out attractive benefits of the plan. Finally it ended impressing everyone. He got a huge round of applause for his presentation. Jwala clapped with teary eyes. He smiled at her. Arav hugged him and everyone appreciated both. The minister didn't take any time to approve and sign the project design. It was a big victory for both their companies.

After the discussion with the government team, everyone start leaving. Arav also left leaving Ved and Jwala alone. He hugged her suddenly. She hugged him back.

"If you didn't say those words, I might have failed. Thank you...you saved our company"he said.
She smiled listening to him.
"You are the best Ved..you don't know how much happy I am today..."she said patting his back.
"Love you so much..."he said before kissing her both cheeks.
She blushed.

"So you know to blush also?" He winked at her.
"Why not? I am also a woman..do you have any doubt? But it took a lot of time for my inner mind to discover these feelings.." she said making him laugh.
"Say thanks to me for that" he demanded.
"Thank you Mr.Irritating husband.." she said moving along with him outside holding his arm.
Precap: Party time - Surprise!!!

Sorry for the short chapter.. Couldn't write more..I thought to give you an update rather than making you wait. Keep reading..!!!

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