Undeserved Appreciation

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Recap: Jwala's first day on office - Ben misbehaving - Slapping - Confused Vedanth

Vedanth was driving back to the home after an eventful day. After that incident Jwala didn't talked to him giving him peace. But she completed all works which was supposed to do by Vedanth. Both Ved and Ben took care of keeping a distance with her.

Vedanth's PoV
When I saw her first time in the lift, I thought that this will be one of my beautiful day. And it ended as the most tragedic day. Thanks to Ben. If he didn't came at correct time, I may have got that slap for the same reason.😂😂 Seriously!!! What type of girl is she??

I heard my mobile ringing and attended it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello" I asked
"I want to eat that ghost. She slapped me....devil.....😣😣" Came voice from the other end.
"Hey Ben. Relax.... Definitely we will give back to her for slapping you. Do you know one thing?? Its me who truely hurted when that devil slapped you" I said trying to control my laughter.😂😂
"Is it??? You are my loving bro😘😘" Ben said while crying.
"Arey stop your crying please...Trust me. We will take revenge against her. She is my personal assistant and I am her boss... We have enough time. Dont worry. "I said consoling him.
"Okay bro. Lets see tomorrow."he cut the call.

I reached the home and parked the car at the porch. I prayed that no one should be there in the hall while entering the hall. I can't handle their questioning session now. And I don't know whether that devil called as my PA informed anything to Dad or Bhaiyya. If she did so, I am going to suffer a lot. For my surprise, no one is there in the hall. I slowly climbed the stairs to reach my room.
"Ved....Stop there" I stunned hearing my mom's voice and turned back.
"Why are you going like a thief?? Do you think that I cannot detect your presence? Even if you try hard,it will not work out to escape from me."she said stressing each and every word.

"Oh god... Definitely mom knew everything. What will I say now??" I was busy in my thoughts when she shaked me.
I looked at her shockingly.
"Why are you looking weird?? I know why..."she said making me stunned.
"Mom....what... you know"I stammered.
"What else...I know you are very much tired after a long working day...Go and fresh. I will bring you something to eat" she said wiping my face with her saree end. I was relaxed. So there is still chance for me. I sighed. I left to my room immediately.
Vedanth was watching a movie in his laptop when someone covered his eyes from back. He was disturbed with that.
"Who the hell is this?"he shouted.
"So you forgot me na? It's very bad Ved...I thought you will identify with my first touch" came a soft female voice from back. He turned back to see the face.

He was irritated seeing his cousin face. Don't know why? She is the only girl in this world whom he hates from childhood. But she is his uncle's daughter. So he should have to behave nice with her atleast for his family.
"Hai Leya..."he wished.
She hugged him immediately.
"Hai darling...I missed you a lot...."she said cupping his face.
"When did you returned back from your trip?? "He asked.
"Just now...."she replied.
His face brightened.
"Hey where is Vedi? You don't have any idea how much I missed my sis."he said.
"So you don't missed me. It's very cruel Ved.I came here immediately after my trip only to see you. And now you are caring only for your sis....."she complained with a pale face.
He tried to give a fake smile.
"Tell me yaar. Where is Vedi?? Is she safe?"he again asked.
"Do you think that your sis will not be safe with me?"she again said which made him more and more irritated.

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