Tragedic Proposals

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Recap: Vedanth realizing his love for Jwala..

Vedanth's PoV
Today would be the best day in my life..I will propose her and make her mine...No Arav can snatch her from me now...It would be fun seeing her expressions while I propose her. It would be a surprise for her..and I can't wait for that moment anymore..

Where is she? Why she is late?? Come fast Jwala....

I am walking throughout my cabin and for the first time I am little tensed for approaching a girl with a proposal..and it's justifiable..she is not like other girls whom I am familiar.. What if she reject me??'s not possible..she likes me... Thats why she is helping me always.. and I would make her feel my love..then no need of rejection..I was waiting for you my dear Jwala...😘😘😘


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"Bro.."I turned back to see a heavily breathing Ben entering my cabin.

"What happened?"I asked while handling over a glass of water to him.
He drank it in a single sip.
"Thanks"he said.
"Why are you rushing? Tell me the matter..."I asked.
"That devil is coming..let's plan our revenge now.."he said for which I looked at him in shock.😱
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Our revenge on your PA"he said for which I clenched my fist.

Here I am nervous on proposing her and he is asking me to take revenge..I remembered the happenings on last month..Ben was on a tour for last 2 weeks.. thats why he is unaware of my feelings... I looked at him strangely. I can't make him sad..he only have me and his sister..He is my only genuine who behaves nice with me not for my money..but for the love from my mom and dad..I smiled at him.

"I think you should take a leave for two more me..I will make everything alright within that time..." I said patting his shoulder.

"Are you sure? Why are you so confident? I you already prepared your plans for teaching her a lesson.."he smirked.😏😋

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