Office Moments💕

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First of all let me inform a good news...My results out last week..and I got the university confirmed message yesterday.. Nothing..I got a first rank for M.Tech from my's really a great news!!!! I thought to share this news with my wattpad family. Thank you all for the love you showered on me. Love u guys 😘😘😘
Ofcourse thanks to pranushka too😊😊😊

Recap: Vedanth clearing problems with Arav - Jwala surprising to see them together.

Vedanth's PoV
I followed Jwala. She entered her cabin next to Arav's. She occupied her chair while I jumped on to the table to get her maximum attention. She looked at me shocked.

"What are you doing?"she asked.
"Can't you see? For reviewing..Your boss asked me to discuss with you.."I said while playing with a file on her table.
She immediately snatched it from my hands glaring at me.

"First of all where is your project report?"she asked and now I am stucked.
"Forgot to take..."I said giving good expressions.
"Ask someone to mail it...I will verify.."she said.
"It will take too much time for mailing..I think it's better you make a new report."I said and she looked at me with red shot eyes.

" you didn't start preparing the report..? When will you become responsible?"she started hitting my shoulders with the file and I am trying to stop her by holding her hands. Finally I caught her both hands.

"Jwala..You know it..My responsible PA left me and joined an idiot.."I said.
"How dare you called my brother idiot?"she again started hitting me.

I didn't have another choice to escape from her. So I started acting. Superstar VEDANTH on action!!!
"Ouchhhhh..."I screamed.

"Why are you making noise unnecessarily?"she was confused.
"You hurted my finger again. Its just started curing.. and now you again.. Ahhh..."I lied in the best way only to see her caring side.
She became sad.
"Is it too much hurting Ved? I m so sorry..."She started caressing my finger in concern and I can read that from her face.

"Oops..How would I prepare report with this finger? You know I don't have a PA also...I will be out of this project and my dad will kill me soon for that..are you happy Jwala?" I asked adding a sorrow expression to my drama.

"But what I did? It was unintentional...I didn't meant to hurt you.."she said.
"Intention or are the only reason..when you come back after 3 months, I wouldn't be there as MD...pls take care of your new MD just like me..slap him if he tries to flirt with you..if you want kick him till he says sorry...and..."she glared at me and stopped me.

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