Jwala's fate!!!

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Dedicating this chapter to irfahayem who predicted the entire twist correctly.👏👏👏

Recap: Vedanth's parents visit Jwala - proposal - Jwala rejecting - Laxman falling down.

At Hospital
Jwala and the entire family is waiting outside the ICU. Sharadha is crying loudly and Jwala hugged her tightly. Janani is standing their lifeless. Jwala made her mother to sit on a chair and gave water to her. Sharadha hesitately drank it. Jwala moved towards the glass door of the ICU and she felt a pain in her heart seeing her father laying motionless on the bed. He is breathing with the help of equipments. Tears made their way through her cheeks uncontrollably.

After sometime the doctor came out

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After sometime the doctor came out. Jwala and others rushed to him.
"Doctor..Is my Appa ok?? Tell me that he is safe"Jwala said while sobbing.
"Jwala,pls come with me.."doctor said slowly starting moving.

Jwala looked at her mother and sister helplessly.
"Jwala .what happened to your Appa?" Sharadha asked hugging Jwala.
"Nothing Amma. I will come after meeting doctor.. believe me..I won't let anything happen to him."Jwala said to console Sharadha.
"If anything happen to him,I won't live without him.."Sharadha said shocking both her daughters.

Jwala went towards doctor's room.Her mother's words vibrated in her ears.
She opened the door and doctor asked her to sit. She sat on the chair he offered.

"Doctor, pls save my Appa."she cried covering her face with her both palms.
"Jwala..we are trying our maximum ...wht about the surgery? We can't delay it anymore..." Doctor said shocking Jwala.

"But doctor..I couldn't arrange the money till now..3 lakh rupees is not a simple amount for us.."she said helplessly.

"But he is very weak..we can't wait anymore..if possible tomorrow itself ...we have to do that surgery.." doctor declared shocking Jwala.

"Tomorrow?" She widened her eyes.
"Yes... otherwise we can't save him..on each passing minute his health is becoming more worse..."Doctor said.
"But doctor.."she paused.
"You pls try to arrange money...I can't do anything in this case... dont waste time..." He said.

Jwala stood up and slowly moved outside. She saw Nisha on the door of ICU trying to console her mother. Nisha came to Jwala and hugged her.
"What happened Jwala? Is he ok?" Sharadha asked.
"Yes Amma..you don't need to worry...he will be perfectly ok soon.. Doctor assured me" Jwala lied and Sharadha breathe in relax.
"Jwala,come with me..."Nisha dragged Jwala along with her to outside.
Jwala's PoV
"What are you saying Jwala? Then why did you lied to ur mom?" Nisha asked in worry.
"How can I tell this to mom?" I sobbed hugging her.
"Jwala..you need to be strong...your sister and mother needs you.... Dont worry..we will find the money in anyway and save ur father.."Nisha assured.
"How?" I asked loudly.
"I have tried to contact Arav in many ways...but he is not available..."she said disappointed.
"I don't know anything..I need to save my Appa.. otherwise I will lose my mom also..."I sat on the floor crying.
"Only one person can help you now..."she said for which I looked at her confusingly.
"Who???"I asked with an hope.
"Your boss..Mr.Vedanth..."she said giving me another shock.
"Not possible..." I said clearly.
"Jwala for sometime you have to keep away your ego..for saving your father..I am sure he will help you..his family will also help you...."she said making me think..

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