Terrace Meeting!!!

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Recap: Ved testing Jwala - returning from Dubai.

Jwala and Ved reached back home by taking a taxi from airport while Arav went to meet his grandfather who is ill. Ved's parents received Jwala with a lot of happiness where as Ved didn't get much attention making him little jeolous. If someone other was in place of Jwala, he would've done something in revenge. But he is cool since it's her.

They were about to enter into the home when they heard two crying sound.
"What's this mom?" He asked carefully listening the voice by leaning to door.
"Something has happened after you both went..It's been one week we are hearing this cries and get used to it." His mom said.

Ved immediately rushed inside out of curious only to see his uncle and aunt crying hugging each other. Vedika is consoling aunt while Shalini doing the same for uncle. Both of them have a frown on their face. It increased on seeing Jwala back at home.

"Uncle..Aunty..what happened? Why are you crying?" Ved asked coming towards them.
"Ved..." On seeing Ved his aunty increased the volume of her sobs.
"Everything has gone Ved.."his uncle fall on to his shoulder.

Both Ved and Jwala stood there without understanding anything.

"Can anyone tell me what has gone so that you are crying this much?" Ved asked finally making his uncle sat back on sofa.

"Nothing Ved...Leya has eloped with someone last week..she is happy with her newly found boyfriend and here they are crying non stop for last one week.."Prakash spoke.

Jwala was shocked where as Ved couldn't control his laugh earning a kick from Jwala on his feet without notice of anyone.
"My daughter...she gone Ved..."Aunty started hitting her chest.
"What are you doing aunty? She is living happily... and then why are you crying?" He asked consoling aunty.

"Ved..she gone Ved..." His aunty repeated the same lines pulling Ved to the sofa. Now he is in middle of his uncle and aunt. His both shoulders occupied by each of one there by wetting his shirt. He also started crying as part of consoling them. Jwala glared at him seeing his fake cry. Lakshmi and Prakash are in a dilemma seeing the entire scenario.

"Ved..now get up..first of all you should fresh after a long journey.. don't disturb them..come.."finally Lakshmi said to rescue her son. Ved immediately got up from sofa.

"Jwala..you also go upstairs and take some rest.. Lakshmi you prepare something for them.." Prakash ordered for which everyone nodded. Ved gestured something to Vedika which only she could understand. Jwala was about to take her luggage when Vedika jumped over them.

"Bhabhi..I will take it..you are already tired..go ahead..I will come with these bags.."Vedika started picking the bags one by one.

Shalu couldn't believe what she is hearing so as Prakash and Lakshmi.
"No Vedika...I will do it..you don't need to..."Jwala was about to say but interrupted by Ved.
"See how loving sister in law you have got.." Ved took Jwala's hand and dragged her to upstairs. He entered into Jwala's room that was previously his and fall on bed. He started laughing uncontrollably rolling over the bed from one end to another.

"What happened to you?"she asked placing her hands on her hip. Ved couldn't help but looked at her admiringly.

"I am asking you only. Why Re you laughing like a buffoon?" She asked and he again started laughing.

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