A Night without each other!!!

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Recap: Leya left - Reuniting with Jwala's family.

Jwala's PoV: At Night
After a lot of weeks I came back to my home. The home which was once my heaven. Amma and Appa are still guilty and they are treating me well. Only I know how much I missed their love and presence. I didn't think that they will call me one day back. But still I am missing something, or someone...may be the person who is the reason for my today's happiness.

I turned sides on bed since sleep is not blessing me.
"What happened Akka?" Janani aksed seeing my struggles. She is laying beside me.
"Nothing..."I said
"You didn't sleep yet ah?" She asked.
I kept quiet.
"Missing someone??" She asked with a teasing smile.
I was shocked hearing her.
"Hey idiot..close your eyes and sleep..."I said
"Why can't you tell me your love story since you have no intention of sleeping?" She asked.
"Janu..I will kill you..."I shouted in embarrassment.
"Feeling restless when staying away from each other..is this called Love?" She asked caressing my already pink cheek with her fingers.
"Stop this..you are such an irritating sister..you will understand it when you fall in love with someone..ok?" I said.
"So are you saying that you are already in love?" She asked making me widen my eyes.

I quickly pulled the blanket over my head since she have no intention of stopping.
"Good night " I shouted under blanket.
Vedanth's PoV
Why the hell I have sent her with them? If I said a no, she might not go with them. See..I lost my sleep too.

I was wandering in my room losing my sleep. I took the phone to call her many times..but dropped the idea finally. Wht if she is busy with her parents? 😟😟She is spending time with them after a lot of days..why should I disturb them? 😞😞 And she might be sleeping now hugging her mom or sister.😩😩

Damn it!!😠😠😠 You shouldn't have agreed to send her. But she also wanted to go na?? Then how can I stop her from going to her house? Two days.. seriously?? Am I going to live two days without her? Oh god😰😰😨 I am here struggling with one night and I can't think about two days like this.😧 I have to do something..!!!
Next morning
Jwala was already ready after a shower. Since she is an early riser and sleep helped her last night by staying away from her, she got up from bed even before sun rise up. She waited for the others to wake up. Finally when she saw the light from kitchen, she entered the washroom and had a good shower to wash out the unachieved sleep from her. She saw her sister still sleeping peacefully inside the blankets.

Jwala went towards the table and took her phone out. Last night reached her some lessons. She can't wait to hear his voice anymore. So she dialled his number eventhough she clearly knows it's sleeping hours for her husband. But nothing bothers her. She dont want him to sleep anymore after gifting her a sleepless night. On the other hand she dont know about his miserable night which he spend without her.

Jwala waited for him to receive the call only to be disappointed at last. She frowned thinking that he will be still sleeping. She felt angry. Suddenly she strikes an idea. Next moment she dialled her mother in law number. She knows that Lakshmi must have been awaken now.

"Hello Jwala..good morning" Lakshmi attended the call on second ring.
"Maa..good morning... how was the day without me?" Jwala asked.
"Oh it was so boring dear..I am really missing you..see no one is here to help me in kitchen. If you haven't gone, you might be here for a company." Lakshmi said in a sad tone.
"I will be back soon Maa.. don't worry...."Jwala said smiling.

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