My First Love Is Back // Peter Parker

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My laugh sounded faded, my face you can barely see it but it was clear that it was me because of my hair and skin tone. I was with someone, someone taller then me and he looked really cute. We were both in a garden field having fun and just dancing.

"I love you so much Y/n." The guy said as he pulled me close and cupped my face.

I wrapped my hands around his wrists and leaned up, "I love you too Bentley."

He leaned down as I leaned up even more and our lips touched, making me feel like there was butterflies in my stomach. I smiled and then all of the sudden I heard my phone ring.

I opened my eyes and groaned seeing it was time to get ready and go to school. I turned off the alarm and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Oh wow... it was a dream." I mumbled, looking around my bed.

I got ready for school real fast and made it to the subway in time to meet up Peter. When I saw him I ran up to him and jumped on him, into his arms.

"Good morning my love." I said, pecking his lips.

Peter blushed and held me close, "morning baby." His voice was soft yet it sounded beautiful. I pushed his hair back a bit to see his face even more and started to kiss his face. He does have a kissable face.

"Baby you have to stop kissing my fa-"

I cut him off by cupping his face and kissing him passionately and he hummed into the kiss with wide eyes. He relaxed and closed his eyes after a while and tightened his grip on me. I pulled away and jumped off, going into the subway.

"Come on Parker, time for school."

Peter pouted his lips but made his way into the subway, resting his face in my neck while I played with his hair. I loved his hair the way it kinda curled when he didn't have his gel, the way he looked after many make out sessions, the way our hairs would turn out after many pillow fights, and after nights where we couldn't keep our hands off each other. I liked those days the most. I was really big in hair pulling.

"I'm gonna fall asleep babe if you keep doing that." He mumbled, his lips tickling my neck. I laughed at the tickle-ness and pulled away.

"Sorry baby."

We arrived to school and we both walked inside, seeing Ned and Michelle waiting for us by our lockers. We walked up to them and I rest my head on Michelle's shoulder.

"Hey MJ." I mumbled, pushing myself off to open my locker.

Michelle smiled and waved at Peter, "hey Y/n."

"Hi Ned."

Ned looked at me and grinned, "hi Y/n!"

I giggled at Ned's happiness and took out a book while placing it in my bag, "You're to cute Ned."

Peter looked at me and frowned, "Hey!"

I laughed and wrapped my arms around Peter's neck, "it's ok baby you're sexy."

"Gross" Ned and Michelle said in unison.

I laughed and then heard the front door being pushed open.

"Hey Y/n I'm back!"

I looked at the doors and my heart stopped when I saw who it was. It was Bentley looking better then ever. I pulled myself away from Peter and walked over towards Bentley with a shocked face. Bentley opened his arms and I ran into them, giving him a huge hug.

"Oh my god.. you're back."

I felt him smile into my hair and I closed my eyes tight, not believing this was real.

"Yeah I'm back."

I pulled away and looked at him, getting a better view, "Wow you got a bit taller."

He grinned and patted my head, "you got shorter."

I blushed and then I felt someone place a hand on my back, "hey babe... whose this?"

I looked to my side to see Peter and my mouth dropped open since I forgot he was here.

"Oh um Pete this is Bentley," I looked at Bentley for second before returning my attention to my boyfriend, "my first love."

Peter's face dropped and I stared him with a soft expression. I didn't really tell Peter about Bentley, I thought I didn't need too since I figured he was the past, but now that I see I think it was best for me to tell Peter who my first love was.

"We dated from 6th grade to the beginning of Sophomore year." Bentley said.

Peter looked at him and nodded his head slowly, "oh.. Y/n why didn't you tell me?"

I looked at him and shrugged, "I didn't think I needed too. Bent told me he was leaving for good."

Bentley slightly jumped and looked at me, "I thought so too! But now I'm here.. for you."

I looked at him and sighed, "Bentley.. you're not here for me, you're here for some reason."

He nodded and placed his hands into his pockets, "Yeah um I'm here cause my uncle needed help with the auto shop."

"Oh you're a mechanic?" Peter asked.

Bentley shrugged and turned to Peter, "I wanna be, I love cars. Me and Y/n always fixed cars together," Bentley looked at me and smiled, "remember Y/n?"

I smiled and nodded, "oh yeah I remember... my favorite day was when we fixed that old vintage Chevrolet."

Bentley raised his eyebrows, "oh that day... I love that day."

We both stared at each other for a while until Peter cleared his throat and just pulled me close. I looked at him and couldn't help but feel my heart flutter. I always thought that if I saw Bentley again I would ran back into his arms since he is my first love, but seeing him here right now with Peter by my side. It tells me I moved on and that I am deeply in love with Pete.

"I know that look." I heard Bentley say.

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows, "what look?"

"That look you just gave um Peter? That's your name?"

Peter nodded and Bentley smiled, "Yeah that look... you use to give it to me. Now you just stare at me as a friend."

I blinked and bit my lip, "I-I'm sorry.."

Bentley shook his head, "no no! Don't be sorry I'm very happy to see you happy again.. you really love this kid don't you."

I looked at Peter again and he looked at me with hopeful eyes. I smiled and cupped his cheek, feeling tingles on my finger tips.

"Yeah.. I'm in love with him."

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