Blue Crayon

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It was a crisp, cold morning. The little kids were playing together happily and doing activities. There was a little boy, looking down at the table as he scribbled on sheets of paper with a blue crayon. He was drawing a boy. It was Sam Winchester and he was coloring his brother. Issac, the class bully, was sitting beside him. He smirked and giggled meanly, grabbing Sam's blue crayon and yanking at his necklace. It was homemade by Dean. Issac broke it off and laughed.

Sam looked up, his brown eyes teary and sad. His lip quivered and he started to cry. He reached for his crayon and the necklace. "Give it back, Issac! Give it back!" Issac had the items out of his reach, he was taller then little Sammy was. Sam was crying and whimpering.

Out in the hall, Dean was walking by and happened to hear Sam crying. He immediately went there. He saw the sight and was angered , going over and stopping Issac. "Give those back."

Issac was scared and gave them to Sam,who smiled happily and held the items close. Issac ran off , Dean smiled at sam , ruffling his hair.
"Heya Sammy."

Sam giggled and reached for Dean. "De!"

"I gotta go,okay?" Dean said softly,kissing Sam's head and leaving. Sam sighed sadly , not wanting him to go.

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