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"Dad, this is 10th school this year!" Sam cried, being upset after John had announced they were moving again. Sam loved the school he was going to now but John said there was a hunt somewhere else that they had to go to.

"I don't care." John had replied back, sighing. Sam groaned and stormed off. Dean sniffled, looking down. He felt really bad for Sam, knowing he'd made some good friends here. And that he loved the classes.

"Do we really have to go Dad?"
"Yes, Dean. We do. Make sure your brother actually sleeps. I'll be back later." John left at that , slamming the door. Dean flinched at that, sighing. He went to find Sam.

Sam had the bathroom door shut and was curled up on the floor, crying. Dean knocked on the door. "Sammy?"

"Go away!" Sam cried.

"Can I come in there?" Dean asked softly. He heard a sniffle in response so he opened the door and came in, holding Sam in his lap. He stroked his hair. "There will be other schools. You'll make new friends."

"But I love this one!" Sam sniffled. "I don't wanna go, Dean."

"I know, Sammy. I know." Dean sighed. "I'm sorry."

Sam sighed softly, feeling a bit better. "Can we watch something on TV?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah."

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