2 a.m.

624 21 0

Dean's sleep was interrupted by Sam's loud, abrupt cry. Dean sat up, being startled by the sound. He got up, rubbing his eyes as he made his way over to the make shift bed that John had made for infant Sammy before he left to go on a hunt.

Dean stood over Sam, sighing tiredly. Sam's eyes landed on Dean and he cooed in content, whining and reaching up for Dean.
Dean chuckled, picking up his little brother. He was glad that Sam wasn't crying anymore, just whimpering a bit and making sounds.

Dean cradled him until Sam fell back asleep but as he went to lay him back on his small bed of blankets and soft pillows, Sam started to cry again. Dean sighed. "What, Sam?"

He felt how tightly Sam was clinging onto him and figured Sam didn't wanna leave his arms. So instead of laying him down, Dean carried him back to where he'd been sleeping. He got in the bed and made sure that Sam was secure next to him.

Sam cooed, kicking his legs and moving his arms around. He reached up and pulled on Dean's hair lightly, giggling. Dean smiled at that, glad to see his brother happy.

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