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Word Count : 364
a/n : this is the last part. I would like to thank you for reading this because I deeply appreciate it.

Sam had gotten his acceptance letter to Stanford

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Sam had gotten his acceptance letter to Stanford. It'd been hard since he'd showed Dean and John. Sam was really proud of himself and John's comments made him deeply upset, so did Dean's.

Now, he sat outside of the motel room. John had just told him that if he went to Stanford, he could never come back. There was a lot of yelling involved. He was sobbing quietly and sniffling. He heard the motel door open and sighed. "I don't wanna talk about it anymore, Dad."

"It's me." Dean said gently, sitting down next to his little brother. "Look, I know you're upset."

"Of course I am."

"But, just consider Dad's point of view. He wants us to have a life of hunting. It's what we should be doing. The family business, you know? You don't need to go off to school and abandon the family." Dean said gently, trying to place a hand on Sam's back to comfort him. He was trying to calm Sam down so he would just continue hunting with them.

Sam pushed his hand off, standing up. "I'm gonna pack. And I'm gonna go. I should be able to do whatever I want. And after everything we've been through - everything I've done for you.." He scoffed, "I can't believe you, Dean. I've stuck up for you in school, and around Dad."

"I'm sorry, Sam. But you really shouldn't go." Dean said, looking at him. He really didn't want Sam to go. But if Sam left, he wasn't gonna stop him.

"I'm going." Sam said, pushing past Dean roughly and packing his bags. He left to get on a bus. As he was waiting to get aboard, Dean walked up beside him. He handed Sam a wad of cash. Sam held it, looking at Dean. "What's this for?"

"Stay safe, okay?" Dean patted Sam's shoulder and simply walked off.

Sam watched him go, feeling a pain in his heart. He sat down, waiting for the bus. Sam sighed heavily, trying to prepare himself for what was ahead.

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