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Sam watched with curious eyes as Dean walked over to him with a small box. He heard small sounds from inside. He wondered what his birthday present could be. "What is it, Dean?"
"Just open it up, Sammy." Dean smiled. He knew John would be angry if he knew that Dean had gotten Sam a puppy for his 11th birthday.

Sam giggled and lifted the box lid. He watched as a small little nose poked out and then he saw a small golden retriever puppy. He laughed softly. The puppy barked happily, licking Sam's face. "Ah! Dean!" Sam cried out happily.

Dean chuckled. "I knew you'd like it."
"Is it a girl?"
"It's a girl!" Sam smiled, hugging the puppy. "Thanks, Dean."
Around 1 am, John opened the door to the motel room. Dean looked up from where he was sitting by the TV. "Hey, Dad."
"Hey, Dean." John sighed and placed his bags down. That's when his eyes found where Sam lay asleep, holding the puppy next to him.

He clenched his fists. "Dean..."
"Sam's happy, Dad. He likes the puppy. He loves it. Did you even know it was his birthday? Huh?" Dean said, standing and facing John.

"He.... he likes it?" John said softly. Dean simply nodded.

"What? What's wrong?" Dean asked as John sat on the couch.
John placed his head in his hands. "I feel bad, Dean. I... I should've let him have one years ago. He's always wanted one. And he's probably really happy."

"I recorded it. You wanna see?" Dean handed him a camera.
John watched the video that Dean had recorded of Sam playing with his puppy, he'd named it Rosa. He smiled softly. "He's so happy."

"Yeah... he really is." Dean said as he curled up next to Sam and went to sleep. John watched over them, smiling at the sight of Rosa fast asleep on Sam's chest.

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