Truthful Conversations

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Word Count : 1119

Sam walked into the school building, being really late

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Sam walked into the school building, being really late. He usually wasn't late and he knew Dean would find out that he'd shown up an hour after school had started. John had stressed to Sam and Dean how important it was that they were at school when they were supposed to be. Sam tried to get out of his thoughts as he checked in at the front office and went to his locker. He saw his friend, Charlie, and smiled at her.

"Hey, you weren't in first period. I got worried." Charlie said, walking over to his locker. She was a girl known for skipping classes sometimes, but she was good at covering her tracks.

Sam just smiled, shaking his head a bit. "I slept in. My brother must've came here early. It's not like him but, he probably did." He opened his locker and put his bag in there.

"Sam, Josh is here today. And he's still really mad about yesterday." Charlie sighed, leaning against a set of lockers and looking at her friend.

"Is it really that big of a deal to him?" He scoffed gently.

"Yes. I tried to warn you about him. How he fights people a lot." She said.

"And I don't care. He can fight me if he wants to." Sam closed his locker , going to walk away. He had dark rims under his eyes. He'd had bad insomnia all week.

Charlie grabbed his hand, pulling him back. "Please be careful today. I don't want to see you hurt. He's a tough guy."
"So am I." Sam replied.
The teacher's hands slammed down on Sam's desk, causing Sam to jump awake and sit up quickly. The kids in the class chuckled quietly, whispering to themselves. Sam hadn't realized he'd fallen asleep. He hadn't meant to. 

"Sam Winchester, sit up please." The teacher said to him, then returning to her desk. Sam nodded a bit, looking down.

"Yeah, Sam." He heard a voice say behind him. Sam turned around and saw Josh. He sighed, knowing this probably wasn't gonna end well. But he couldn't help to be angry with the guy.

"You got a problem?" Sam said to him.
"No, you just shouldn't be sleeping in class that's all. And you look like shit." Josh replied, chuckling quietly. He was trying to get under Sam's skin , and it was working.

Sam decided to turn around and ignore Josh, not wanting to start a fight. He felt something hit the back of his head so he turned around, glaring at Josh. "Dude, what's your deal?"

"My deal is you! You shouldn't have said what you said." Josh said, being angry. Yesterday, Sam had corrected Josh and called him out. It had humiliated Josh and destroyed  his reputation at school, and with the teachers.

"You deserved it. You cheat on everything that you do. And you talk to multiple girls and promise all of them, they're the one you want. You're pathetic Josh." Sam spat out.

Josh's expression changed to anger and he quickly stood up, grabbing Sam by the collar of his shirt and lifting him up. He punched Sam , hard, and blood came out of Sam's nose. Multiple gasps sounded from around the room.

The teacher ordered Josh to put Sam down. Josh smirked. "Okay, I will." He threw Sam to the wall. Sam collided with a painting, the glass making cuts on his neck and throat. He felt bruises forming on his face. He looked at the ceiling from where he was laying and felt tears swelling in his eyes.

He should've listened to Charlie. A girl in the class ran to get the nurse. Josh realized that he'd hurt Sam, and tried to help him up but Sam just shoved him off, being angry. He got up shakily and grabbed his bag , rushing out of the room.

He ran through the halls, his vision swimming. He pushed through the cafeteria doors, seeing the doors to outside. He sprinted to them. Charlie had came inside from those other doors, seeing Sam. She stopped in her tracks. "Sam!"

"I can't talk right now." Sam didn't stop until he reached the door. Charlie grabbed onto his wrists, holding him there. She looked at the marks on his neck and throat, and his face.

"What happened? Was it Josh?" She asked him, her voice laced with concern. Sam was about to respond before he collapsed to the floor, passing out. Charlie kneeled down to him, being worried. She called for help.
When Sam woke up, he was in the nurse's office. He looked around, seeing Dean in a chair in front of him. Dean gave him a warm smile. "Look who's awake."

Sam smiled a bit. He could feel bandages on his neck , and he knew he'd been taken care of. He still felt lightheaded and his head hurt. "Dean.... my head hurts."

Dean helped Sam sit up, giving him a pill and some water. He watched as Sam took the pill and drank half of the bottle. "Why don't you tell me what happened?"

"It was nothing." Sam said quietly, which earned a sigh from Dean.

"Sam... come on. Tell me. It's just us in here." Dean said to him.

"I confronted Josh in class and he got mad, beat me up. I passed out somewhere else. I don't really remember where. Or much about what happened." Sam said, lying back down.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, they said you had a concussion. I'm gonna take us back to the motel, okay? And we probably won't come back again. Dad's coming back from the hunt Sunday."

"Sunday?" Sam exclaimed, growing upset. He started thinking about Charlie. He cared about her. She was his friend, the first person who said hello and helped him around the new and temporary school that Sam and Dean had been going to for almost a month.

"I thought you'd be excited to leave." Dean said softly. He thought Sam hadn't liked this school. But Sam did, mainly because of Charlie.

"Not really but... what choice do we have? Dad won't let us stay here. We won't settle. It's just how it is." Sam sighed sadly.

Dean knew Sam was upset. He looked at him. "I know , Sam. How long has it been since you've slept?"

"A week."

"Let's go to the motel then."
Dean helped Sam inside and laid him down on a bed. He carefully took the bandages off and inspected the bruises. "Those should heal in a couple days. You good?"

"Yeah. Just cold." Sam sniffled. Dean covered him up with the covers and Sam was asleep within seconds, snores escaping his mouth. Dean smiled at that.

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