bad sleeping arrangements

443 14 0

Word Count : 429
A/N: i got a Billie Eilish shirt and I'm living for it

Word Count : 429A/N: i got a Billie Eilish shirt and I'm living for it ________

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Sam looked at Dean after the hunt, groaning and getting out of the impala. He pulled his jacket hood over his head, even though he was already soaked from the rain. He looked at the barn, then at Dean. "You have got to be kidding me".

"What? We don't have money for a hotel room tonight. Deal with it. We have sleeping bags and blankets. You'll be fine." Dean said gently, getting their stuff out of the car.

Sam wrapped his arms around himself, shivering from the cold of the rain. "Let's just go in. It'll be dry in there."
Sam went on inside, sighing in relief since it was a little warmer and drier in here. He took off his jacket and grabbed a blanket that Dean handed to him.

Dean was setting up their sleeping bags on the floor. He handed Sam a lantern. "Sam, turn this on."

Sam grabbed it and turned the switch on, sitting it on the floor. He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, sniffling.

"Don't get sick on me."

"It's like 10 degrees, it's hard not to."

"Yeah, yeah." Dean chuckled gently, looking up at Sam. "You did good on the hunt today. You had my back. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Sam smiled, laying down on the sleeping bag and closing his eyes. He went to sleep and Dean stayed up for a while, polishing some guns and bandaging some small cuts on his arm, and then Sam's hand.

Dean went to sleep a few hours later and then woke up, looking over at Sam. He heard some sounds outside of the barn and sat up quickly, grabbing Sam's arm. "Sammy."

"What?" Sam mumbled, opening his eyes. He then heard a low growl from outside and sat up, grabbing his gun and looking at Dean. Sam went and crouched behind a block of hay in the barn, and Dean stood by the side of the door.

Dean opened it, pulling back when the monster grabbed him by the throat. Dean dropped his gun, struggling in the monster's arms. Sam stood up, aiming carefully and shooting the monster in the head. The monster roared loudly in pain, dropping Dean.

The monster rushed out and Sam heard the body drop, sighing softly. Sam looked at Dean, breathing heavily. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks." Dean smiled slightly, gathering their things. They both quickly rushed out to the impala, driving off before the wounded monster could catch up to them.

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