those stupid bullies

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Word Count: 543

Sam was just sitting in class when he saw Dean peek his head through the window outside

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Sam was just sitting in class when he saw Dean peek his head through the window outside. He rolled his eyes playfully and asked to use the restroom. He went outside and walked over to Dean, chuckling softly. "Dean, what are you doing?"

"Come skip school with me." Dean said softly, adjusting his bag on his shoulder.

"What? No."

"Why not?"

"Because unlike you, Dean, I actually want an education. I'll see you back at the motel, okay?" Sam said, turning around to go inside. Dean didn't try to stop him and left the campus.

As soon as Sam stepped inside, a senior he knew cornered him in the hallway. He had a single class with him, and he hated it. The guy, who was the senior, did nothing but try to put other people down. He always gave Sam dirty looks in class. And Sam had had enough, considering the guy was giving him one right now.

Sam scoffed a bit. "What's your problem? I haven't done anything to you. No one has but yet you're so rude."

"You don't have a right to speak to me that way." The guy said, moving close and getting in Sam's face.

Sam took notice of the height difference between the two of them. He gulped quietly, not wanting to let the guy know that he was actually scared. "I was just telling you the truth, man."

The guy's friends showed up, standing next to him. They held Sam's arms back so he couldn't do anything. And as soon as the guy was gonna punch Sam, one of the teachers came into the hallway.

"Sam Winchester, in my room, now." The teacher said.

Thank god, Sam thought. He knew that punch would've at least given him a black eye. The two guys released him and Sam reluctantly stepped into the teacher's room. He knew the teacher, but not very well. But at least she broke up the fight.

The teacher shut the door and turned to look at Sam, who was looking down. "Hey, Sam. What happened out there?"

"I was just telling him how much of a jerk he is and then he wanted to punch me in the face." Sam sighed, looking at him.

"Do you wanna go to the office about it?" The teacher asked him.

Sam shook his head no. "I'll just call my brother so he can come get me. We're moving out of this town soon so.... but thanks for preventing him from punching me in the face."

"You're welcome, Sam." The teacher smiled kindly and let Sam leave.

Sam went to the office and asked if he could use their phone so he could call someone. He dialed Dean's number. When he picked up, Sam began to talk. "Dean, you need to come get me."

"Sam, we're both students. I can't just check you out." Dean chuckled gently.

Sam rubbed his hand on his face, sighing. "You're right. I'll just walk out."

Sam hung up and went outside of the school, walking back to the motel. He opened the door and went inside, looking at Dean. "I can't wait to leave this town."

"We're leaving tonight." Dean replied, while packing a bag.

Sam grinned. "Yes!"

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