a hugger

380 18 0

Word Count: 444
a/n : I'm slowly running out of ideas but that's fine. Also I may stop at 60 parts on this book and then maybe write something full length based off of one of the oneshots on here. I'm not entirely sure. But if people would read it, then yeah definitely. We're also super close to 3k so that's exciting!

 We're also super close to 3k so that's exciting! ___________

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Dean didn't usually talk much when John was angry at him. He tended to be upset afterwards and very angry. In this instance, John had yelled at Dean for a while about something stupid. He then said he was leaving for approximately a 3 week hunt and was leaving him with Sam. Sam had been ill lately and Dean didn't really wanna be stuck with a sick Sam for the rest of the month but he knew he had to take care of him.

As John left, he slammed the door and Dean flinched slightly. He turned around to see Sam sitting on the couch and coloring rapidly on a piece of paper. Dean wiped his tears and sat on one of the beds. He didn't see Sam get up from the couch and walk over there. Sam crawled up onto the bed, sniffling and moving close to Dean. He rubbed his nose with his hand and Dean groaned in disgust. "Sam, blow your nose. You're sick."

"How do you that?" Sam asked curiously.

"You don't know how to blow your nose?" The older Winchester chuckled.

"No, I do. I just got confused." Sam said gently, laying down on Dean. He was breathing heavily. Dean sighed, knowing he was probably contagious but he felt bad for Sam when he was sick. So he let Sam cuddle with him and lay close.

"Did Dad yell at you?" Sam asked quietly, looking up at Dean.

Dean shook his head , not looking up from the magazine he was reading. "No."

"He yelled. I heard him." Sam said, sitting up fully. He looked at Dean, and Dean looked at him.

"Okay.... he may have yelled a little. Nothing serious. Don't stress out about it." Dean got up and moved over to the fridge, getting a water and drinking half of it in one gulp.

Sam decided not to press on about it but he knew Dean had been upset about it, and probably still was. So he pushed himself off of the bed and ran over to Dean, wrapping his arms around Dean's waist in a tight hug. He was shorter than Dean was , by a good amount of inches. "I love you, De."

Dean was shocked at first but he kneeled down and hugged back, sniffling. "I love you too, bud."

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