brave sammy

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Word Count : 600

Sam was normally the type of person that stood up for people, no matter what

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Sam was normally the type of person that stood up for people, no matter what. He couldn't stand when he was walking in the hallway and saw someone getting picked on. He hated how cruel people were.

And one day he couldn't take it anymore. He was in the hall at his locker. He pulled a water out of his book bag and practically chugged it. It was really hot outside and he felt dehydrated. He put the empty bottle in his locker and looked over, seeing Dean step into a classroom. He'd been wanting to talk to Dean but he didn't have time.

Sam closed his locker , sliding his jacket on and making his way down the hall for his next class. He saw a girl in the hall, who was cornered by this guy who was at least two grades older. She looked highly uncomfortable and scared. Sam stepped over, clearing his throat.

The guy turned around, looking at Sam. It was then that Sam realized how much taller the other guy was. Sam looked at the guy. "I think you should leave this girl alone."


"You were bothering her."

"And how do you know that? Huh, little man?" The guy stepped closer to Sam, pushing him a bit. Sam moved back, not wanting to get beat up by this guy that was obviously stronger then him.

Sam looked at the girl. "Was he bothering you?" And the girl nodded. She quickly walked off. And Sam couldn't blame her. This guy was a jerk. He looked back at the guy. "What you were doing was wrong. You shouldn't treat anyone that way."

"Really?" He moved closer to Sam and Sam could smell cigarettes on his breath. Sam coughed a little bit. The guy suddenly punched Sam in the face, and Sam fell down. Sam looked up at the guy. He was beyond angry now. He didn't like how he'd treated that girl. Or how he was treating him.

So Sam got up and threw a punch at the guy. The guy saw it coming and grabbed Sam's wrist, twisting it. Students in the hall stopped as they heard the bones in Sam's wrist break.

Sam cried out in pain. It was loud enough for Dean to hear and he came out to see what all of the commotion was and saw Sam leaning against the wall, holding his wrist and crying heavily. Dean rushed over, cradling Sam's wrist carefully. He wrapped his arm around Sam as Sam leaned on him. He looked at the guy that was close by. "Why would you do that?"

"He was telling me what to do. And no one does that." The guy replied. And just as he said that, the principal walked up and requested his presence in his office.

The nurse came out of her office and jogged over to Sam, holding his wrist. Sam had his head on Dean. He wasn't crying anymore but it still really hurt.
"It's broken." The nurse said.

"Great." Sam replied.

"I can give you a cast here. Come on." She said. Sam looked at Dean, and then followed the nurse into her office. Sam ended up getting checked out by Dean. He got his stuff and met Dean outside so they could walk to the motel.

"Wow, neon green." Dean laughed, patting Sam's back. Sam smiled softly.

"So, what happened?" Dean asked him as they started walking.

"That guy was just being a jerk. No big deal." Sam replied, looking up at Dean.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, me too."

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