Lost in a Store

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"Alright, Dad. See you in a couple weeks." Dean said to John over the phone before he hung up. He took a look around the small yet big grocery store. Dean let out a heavy sigh. "Well, Sammy. Let's get going." But when he turned around, Sam wasn't there. Dean started to become filled with dread. "Sam? Sammy!" He called out, starting to search the store in search of his 6 - year old brother.

When he failed to find him, he decided to ask for help. Dean approached a woman with a shy smile. "Excuse me. Have you seen a little boy anywhere? Has brown hair. He was wearing a green hoodie as well. The woman turned to him, giving him a soft smile. "I have, actually." She pointed to the toy section of the store. Dean thanked her and headed that way. He walked into an aisle that had toy balls and action figures.

His eyes landed on little Sammy, who was holding a big, blue ball. Dean let out a sigh of relief, walking to Sam. Sam smiled when Dean walked up. "Dean!"
Dean chuckled and picked him up, kissing his head and basically holding him. "You scared me, Sam. Don't run off like that again, okay?" Sam nodded at Dean's words.

Dean smiled, looking at the ball that was in Sam's grasp. "Do you want it?"

Sam smiled happily, nodding. "Yes."

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