Death echo final part

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A dark shadow crossed over Sam's grave. Rowena brushed her red hair from her face. She sighed sadly, looking down at his grave. "Oh, Samuel." She stepped over to the house and knocked loudly. A tired looking Dean opened the door,rubbing his face. "What?"
"I'm here to bring back your brother." She rolled her eyes.
Dean's eyes widened. He woke up John and they both got dressed and met Rowena outside.

She'd already set up the stuff for the spell. John looked at her. "He's gonna be fine, right?"
Rowena chuckled. "Peachy." That resulted in a soft scoff from John. She started the spell by saying words in Latin. Dean watched with curiosity as she sprinkled some dust over dead Sammy's grave. She stopped. "Now we wait."

The three stayed in silence for several minutes until, suddenly, a dirty hand rose up from the grave. Dean gasped and went over, grabbing it gently. The hand seemed to hold onto Dean's hand. "I got you, Sammy!" Dean pulled him up and Sam gasped,holding onto Dean. He was covered in dirt. He started to cry and held onto him, Dean held his baby brother.
John thanked Rowena and she just smiled. "Take care of the boy."

She then left. John looked at Sam and hugged his boys. Sam looked up John, smiling. "Dad..."
John smiled softly,kissing his head. "I'm here, Sam."

They went inside. Sam felt nauseous and stayed by the door, wanting to feel the wind on his face. Dean looked at him in concern, fixing the bedsheets and pillows. "Sammy?"
"I'm ... fine." He gulped a bit. He stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. John went to lock and shut the front door. A few moments later, Dean knocked on the bathroom door. "Sammy? It's been a while. You good in there?"
He then chuckled. "Did you fall in?"

Sam groaned, sounding miserable. He'd gotten sick a couple times. "No, Dean!" He then felt bad for raising his voice that way. "Can you come in?"
Dean came in there and sighed worriedly, kneeling down and feeling Sam's forehead. "Sammy... you have a fever."
"Great. Just great."

Dean spent the next couple weeks taking care of sick Sam. Everything went back to normal by then.

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