Sam's Secret Love

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Dean rode in the impala while blasting Bon Jovi. He had just left the motel to pick up Sam from school. They were in a new town for a hunt and John had specifically told them to go to school, but Sam was the only one who listened.

He pulled into the parking lot and scanned all of the kids that were coming outside for Dean. His eyes found Dean, who was kissing a girl. He smirked. "Sammy's found a girl."

He waited until Sam finished and came over to the impala and got in. Sam smiled at his brother, throwing his bag into the backseat. "Hi, Dean."
"Heya, Sammy." Dean said while holding in a laugh. There was lipstick on Sam's face.

Sam looked very confused. "What?"
"Oh nothing." Dean chuckled, wiping Sam's face with his sleeve.

"Love is a precious thing , you know?" Dean smiled as they pulled out.

Sam looked more confused then ever. "Uh... yeah, I guess."

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