Death echo (part 2)

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The door opened slowly and Dean, hesitant, stepped into the room. He looked away quickly, tears flooding his eyes. He could hear John's footsteps as he came into the room. They both stared , dazed at Sam's body. He was still alive, barely, so John scooped him up into his arms. That made Sam cry out in pain loudly, blood flowing from a open wound.

John looked at him, stroking his face. "Sam... you're okay. I'm here."
Sam looked to Dean, reaching for him. Dean carried him to the car and they tried to drive to the hospital. Dean sat with Sam in the back, putting pressure on the wound.
"I told you to keep an eye on him!"
"I did, Dad! The spirit closed the door and separated us. This isn't my fault!"

They stopped arguing because Sam groaned in pain, coughing softly. Dean knew he was slipping away. As they arrived, Dean turned to Sam to get him up and inside.
"Sam?" He shook his arm gently. Sam didn't budge, his eyes stayed closed. Dean started to cry, trying to wake him again. But Sam was gone.

Dean cried hardly and held Sam's body.
Dean sighed as he stood by John, who was digging a grave for Sam. They were gonna permanently stay in a home on a hill for a few years or so. John threw something to Dean, and he caught it. It was a old, leather bracelet that Dean had made for Sam. It had a few blue, purple , and green beads on it. Dean smiled sadly and put it on his wrist. He leaned down and pulled back the cover on Sam. "Dad... we're gonna bring him back, right?"

"That witch will be here in a couple weeks - Rowena." John replied, digging. Dean groaned. "She sounds weird, Dad."

John chuckled slightly. "You're weird." They both laughed, for the first time in days. Dean looked back down at Sam. He had scratches and bruises lining his skin, and his skin was very pale. His head was to the side. Dean found tears forming so he covered Sam up. Later, he helped John get the body in the grave and John covered him with dirt. They left flowers and went back inside.

It was nighttime and John was tired , so was Dean. But Dean found as he was laying down, he couldn't fall asleep. He was too busy thinking about Sam, and what happened. Every time he closed his eyes, he pictured Sam getting killed by that ghost. It filled him with anger and remorse.

"Dad...?" Dean said gently, sitting up. He could see someone in the corner. It looked like Sam, how he looked when he died. Sam was shaking and whimpering, a deep wound in his stomach. Dean stood, tears on his face. He realized Sam was a death echo. He remembered reading about it. How death echos relived the way they died - forever. Dean touched the bracelet, knowing Sam's soul was tethered to it.

"Sammy...? Can you hear me?" Dean said gently. They looked at each other and Sam reached a hand out, barely touching Dean's hand before his figure faded. John had seen it all.
They were confused. But hopeful. They just hoped that the witch Rowena would be able to bring Sam back to them.

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