The Final Boom

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The streets were very crowded. Little 6 - year old Sammy figured he could make it across the road of cars to Dean, who was waiting on the other side. He stepped across the road, making his way to Dean. As he was about to step onto the sidewalk, a car hit him. It happened super fast, the person driving the vehicle wasn't watching where they were going. Sam had fell on the ground, his leg was stuck and the pain it was causing Sam made him cry out.

Dean was mostly in shock at first. He was trying to convince himself that his little brother wasn't lying in pain nearly penetrated by a car. All of his feelings set in : sadness, dread. And then the anger. The undying anger for whoever hit Sam with their car. Dean snapped himself out of it and rushed to his brother's side. He felt his heart break when Sam looked to him, sobbing in pain. "De... make the pain stop."
"It's gonna be okay. I promise." Dean said reassuringly.

He heard ambulance and police sirens in the distance. The traffic around them had stopped, everyone was focused on the scene outside of their vehicle. Many stopped and got out, whispering amongst themselves. Dean didn't pay them any attention. He was gonna move Sam himself so he wouldn't be in as much pain considering how his leg was underneath the car. But he was afraid he'd mess something up and he didn't wanna damage Sam. He was gonna leave it to the paramedics, since he knew they'd know the best way to get Sam out without hurting him.

Dean stood, looking at the person who had gotten out of their car. Dean glared at them, immediately spitting out angry, vile words. Mostly cuss words. The person who had gotten out of the car was an older lady. She looked at Dean. "Now, young man. You should respect your elders."

Dean scoffed angrily, gesturing to Sam. "You hit my brother with your damn car!"
"I didn't see him there." She replied.
"That's no excuse. His leg is penetrated by your car." Dean said, being angry and just plain mad.

The ambulance pulled up and a man got out, calling something to Dean. "Is anyone hurt?"

"My little brother." Dean called back. He'd kneeled back down to Sam by now. Sam was unconscious from the pain. Dean felt hot tears run down his cheeks. He moved out of the way as paramedics and cops carefully pulled Sam out from underneath the car. They loaded him onto a gurney. Dean wiped his tears, moving forward to a paramedic. "C-Can I come with you? He's my baby brother. Please."

The paramedic nodded, smiling kindly. "Of course. Come along." Dean stepped inside the ambulance, taking a seat next to Sam. His eyes took note of the oxygen mask over Sam's mouth. He grabbed Sam's hand, holding it in both of his. He had tears running down his face. "I'm so sorry, Sammy. I ... I should've... done something more. You mean so much to me and ... I failed you."

Dean traveled with him to the hospital. On the way , he thought about good times with Sam. And how he hoped Sam would make it. He was forced to wait in the waiting room of the hospital while they took care of Sam. Hours later, a doctor came up to the waiting room. "Winchester?"

Dean jumped up from his seat immediately, looking at the doctor. "I'm his brother. How is he?"

The doctor smiled gently. "He's okay. He has some minor injuries besides his leg. His leg seems to be fully broken so we put it in a cast and we're going to give him some crutches. He'll have to use these for at least 4 weeks. Then you can bring him back here so he can get his cast removed."

Dean nodded softly. "Okay. Can I see him? Please?" The doctor simply nodded and took him to see Sam. Sam was asleep on his hospital bed, his leg was wrapped up in a cast. Dean smiled, sitting in a chair by Sam's bedside. He held his hand gently.

The doctor walked out to do some other things. Sam woke up after a few minutes, smiling at the sight of Dean. "You're here."

"Of course I am. I'm not going anywhere." Dean smiled at him.

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