Hunting with Sam

403 15 6

Word Count : 828
A/N : So I'm currently super excited because I hit 2K on this book. Which I didn't expect whatsoever. I really enjoy writing these parts, even though I get stumped quite often. Thank you for everything. Also I think this is #79 on the John Winchester tag the last time I checked so that's neat. <3 - Tessa


"So, Sam, you realize what we have to do right? I taught you use that knife and tonight, you'll have to use it

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"So, Sam, you realize what we have to do right? I taught you use that knife and tonight, you'll have to use it. It's a vamp nest." Dean instructed.

Sam sighed heavily. He'd heard Dean explaining the same stuff over and over for the past five minutes. He already felt prepared. "I know, Dean. You've already told me this."

"Well, you need to know it."

"Dean, I know." Sam groaned softly, chuckling a bit. "Can we go now?"
They were hunting without John this time, even though John was very reluctant about it. He was afraid Sam would mess something up. He helped Dean pack a bag full of the essential stuff.

They started walking towards the nest. Dean wasn't trusted with the impala yet. He was thinking deeply about how the hunt would go. John said there was approximately 5 vamps in there. He was afraid something would go wrong and Sam would get bitten or killed. He knew he was overthinking it but Sam wasn't really that good of a hunter.

Sam was clumsy and didn't pay attention to his surroundings. But Dean brought him along anyway. After all, Sam is 7 years old. Dean figured that Sam was strong enough to handle this. Sam's voice broke him out of his thoughts.
"Did you have a good birthday, Dean?" Sam asked, kicking small rocks with his feet.

"Uh... yeah. I guess so. That cake you made was nice."

"The icing made you puke". Sam said bluntly, chuckling.

"Sammy , what did you put in this?" Dean spit out the stuff into his napkin.

Sam shrugged, wrapping his blanket around him. "I dunno. Green icing and other stuff."

"I'm gonna puke." Dean said, running to the trash can. He got sick and then found the green icing bottle on the counter. He sighed. "Sam, this is expired."

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I just... wanted to do something nice for you. Since Dad forgot and all.." Sam said, tears in his eyes. Dean kneeled down, giving him a hug.

"Thank you."
"Yeah, that stuff was nasty." Dean smiled gently. "But, it was a nice birthday. Thanks to you."

Sam was gonna reply but they had made it to the nest. They hid behind a bush and Sam observed the vampires. There were 4 guys and one girl. And the one girl was asleep in a guy's arms. They were sitting around a fire that was almost dying.

"It looks like they're almost asleep. You know what to do?" Dean whispered to Sam, who nodded. They moved along quietly. Dean killed 4 of the vamps but when he looked back, he saw Sam held by one of them. There was a blade to his throat.

"Drop the blade." The man said, his voice cold with anger.
Dean lowered it to the ground, his eyes locked onto Sam. Sam was scared, sobbing quietly.
The man, however, was angry. He saw the woman laying on the ground. He was heartbroken because that was his love.

"I'm gonna take away someone you love." The man said, lifting the blade to stab Sam. But before he could do so, someone cut the man's head off. Sam ran to Dean's side, hugging him tight and clinging to him. He was shaking. Dean put his arms around him, looking up to see who killed the vampire.

He was surprised to see John. And John did not look happy.
Once Sam was settled in bed, Dean kneeled down to him. He fixed his hair. "I'm glad you're okay. Dad's outside. He wants to talk and it's not gonna be good."

"I love you. No matter what. You're a good brother , Dean." Sam said sleepily. He rolled over, not saying another word.
Dean stepped outside, standing behind John who had his back to Dean. Dean could feel the tension between them.

"I'm disappointed in you, Dean. Your brother could've died tonight. You know better. What do I always say?" John said in a quiet but angry tone.

Dean looked down. "Watch out for Sammy."

And John turned around, an angry look in his eyes. "Don't let it happen again."
Tears welled up in Dean's eyes. He sighed shakily. "Yes, sir."
Sam awoke in the morning, sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes. He walked over to where Dean was standing and hugged him tight. "Morning, Dean."

"Morning." Dean smiled, feeling a little better now. He knew John would always be disappointed with him somehow. But he felt better knowing that Sam forgave him for what happened. And that he was here and okay. That's what mattered.

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