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Dean looked up at the sound of Sam slamming the motel room door. He got up and went to the door. "Hey, Sam. What took you so long?"

"Nothing." Sam threw his bag onto a bed. Dean picked up the attitude in his voice. He knew that Sam had been acting strange lately. He'd been coming home from school late. Usually Dean wouldn't care about what Sam was doing in school but he figured something was up.

Dean sometimes thought he was overreacting but he knew that some days Sam spent time at the library but he knew he wasn't staying out until midnight. He sighed, facing Sam. He noticed that Sam was hiding his face by a hood from his coat and just by avoiding eye contact. "Sam it's not nothing, okay? You're like... you're like an emo teenager."

Sam sighed. "That's cause I am."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, okay?" Sam groaned, whipping his head up to look at Dean.

Dean was taken back by Sam's tone and the bruises and scars on his face. "Sam.. what happened?"

"N-Nothing.....something." Sam looked down. Dean sighed and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"These guys beat me up after school. The bruise really hurts. I think it's purple." Sam said as he took his hood down.

Dean moved forward and placed a gentle hand on Sam's face. "Yep. I'll get ice." He went and got an ice pack. He brought it back and gave it to Sam. Sam sighed and put it on his face.

Sam laid down on a bed to try and sleep. Dean covered him up. "I'm sorry about those guys. Don't worry. I'll handle it."

Sam chuckled tiredly. "Thanks , Dean."

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