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Word Count : 723a/n : i hope everyone is well

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Word Count : 723
a/n : i hope everyone is well. also i kept scraping a bunch of stuff while writing this part.
Sam walked inside the market with Dean, limping on his leg. He sighed gently, rubbing the bruises along his face. "Dean... I'm fine."

"No, you're not. I'm gonna buy you some medicine." Dean said gently, standing in the pharmacy section with Sam. He was trying to find some pain and cold medication. He felt a weight on his shoulder and looked over to see Sam's head leaned on him. He smiled gently, wrapping an arm around him and continuing to look at the medicine. He normally would've shrugged Sam off but he knew he was tired and sick.

Dean looked down to see Sam practically asleep. He sighed, grabbing the medicine Sam needed and forcing him awake. "Come on. You can sleep when we get home."

Sam trudged along behind Dean in the check out line. Dean grabbed something for Sam to eat and then they left after checking out. They got back in the impala and Dean noticed Sam looked really pale. He sighed a little. "Look, if you feel like you're gonna hurl, let me know and I'll pull over."

Sam nodded a bit, drinking some water and taking some pain medicine. "Do we have first aid?"

"Yeah, I'll take care of your leg in the room. I think it's broken." Dean sighed, driving carefully.

"Great. I feel... awful." Sam said tiredly, resting his head back against the seat. He tried eating what Dean got for him. He wasn't that hungry. "Dad's still gonna be on that hunt for a while. So... it'll just be us. I think I'll like that. Won't you?"

"Absolutely." Dean smiled gently. "Eat your food."

Sam finished eating by the time they got back to the motel. Dean got out first and went to Sam's side of the car. Sam carefully got out and limped to the door, standing by it as Dean opened the door.

He helped Sam sit down, propping his leg up. He then got more stuff out of the car, locking the car. Dean came back in and locked the door. He sat their stuff down, sighing a bit. He went to Sam, shaking his shoulder softly to wake him. He watched as Sam blinked his eyes open tiredly.

"I know you're tired but I have to treat your leg." Dean said gently, sitting down and pulling out first aid. He put some stuff on it, hearing Sam wince. "I know. I'm sorry."

Sam stayed quiet as Dean wrapped up his leg. He then swallowed hard, covering his mouth. "Oh god... Dean, I'm gonna puke."

Dean rushed and found a trash can, giving it to Sam. He rubbed Sam's back as he got sick. Once Sam finished, he took the trash can. "You feel better?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna go to sleep." Sam nodded gently, carefully lying down and going to sleep. Dean covered him up, and sat down. He watched Sam sleep for a while before he dozed off in the chair he was in.
He woke to the sound of John coming in. He knew it was early, considering how dark it was outside. He rubbed his eyes, looking at John. "Dad?"

"What's wrong with your brother?" John whispered, sounding a little mad.

"He broke his leg on the hunt. He's fine." Dean whispered back, getting up and moving over to the sink in the bathroom to wash his face. He came back out, seeing John inspecting Sam's leg to see if it was okay. Sam was still fast asleep.

"He's sick too. He threw up earlier." Dean told him, sitting down next to Sam. They usually shared a bed with each other. "Why are you back early?"

"I ran out of supplies." John walked over to Dean's duffel bag and got the stuff he needed. "Don't go anywhere until I get back. If Sam needs medical attention... call Bobby or something. We can't afford a hospital bill."

"Yes, sir." Dean nodded gently, adjusting Sam's blanket. He sighed when John left, leaning his head back.

Sam woke up, leaning his head over his shoulder to look at Dean. "You're a good brother, Dean."

"Thanks, Sammy." Dean smiled, going to lay down on the other bed. Both brothers fell asleep.

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