Death Echo (part 1)

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John had just recently found a new case. He offered for Dean and Sam to help and , of course, they both said yes. Sam was really excited because he usually didn't get to go along on hunts and help. Sam was ready to prove himself to his brother and father.

"Deaaaan." Sam called. That made Dean sigh as he stepped out from the bathroom, looking at his brother.
"What?" Dean sighed.

Sam chuckled. "Hi."
Dean just rolled his eyes and stepped back into the bathroom. After a couple hours, they left and made it to an old, abandoned house. They exited the car and John handed the boys knives, guns , and salt etc.
"Now, boys, I've done lots of research on this. So has Bobby. This spirit is hostile and ... cruel. So, stay together. And Dean-," John didn't finish before Dean finished the sentence.

"Watch out for Sammy." Dean nodded. John nodded and they went inside. Sam and Dean stayed together while John stayed close by, basically in another room.

Dean was standing by a doorway, walking into the room that was there. Sam was looking around at the different items in the room, mesmerized by them. Suddenly, the door slammed shut - separating the two brothers. Sam rushed to the door, pounding on it. "Dean!"

"Sammy? Are you okay?" Dean had replied, trying to get the door open. But it wouldn't open.
Sam nodded, looking around. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Yeah... I'm fine." He then noticed that when he breathed out, his breath turned cold. He gasped softly, being scared now.

"Dean - spirit!" Sam said. Dean yelled for him to make a salt circle so Sam started to do so. Moments later, a scream pierced through the silence of the abandoned, haunted place.
The scream - was Sam's.

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