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Word Count : 850
A/N: I love writing parts for this. And I'm proud of how far I've gotten.

Dean left Sam sitting inside the impala as he stepped into the small store

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Dean left Sam sitting inside the impala as he stepped into the small store. He was just there to get some snacks and drinks for the road. He grabbed some chips, candy, and drinks and headed for the register. As he was waiting in line, he looked out the window and saw Sam step out of the car. He figured maybe he just wanted to come inside and stand with him but instead he walked around the side of the building and disappeared.

Dean waited to ring up his items and then went outside, placing the stuff in the car. He looked around for Sam, making his way around the building. He stopped and watched. He was talking to a woman with long, dark black hair.

Dean watched quietly and then gasped softly as the woman's eyes turned black. "A demon...." Dean whispered softly. He cried out for Sam, moving closer to pull him back. But he was suddenly thrown against the wall and held there by a force. He groaned in pain, figuring it was the woman.

Instead, he looked up to see Sam smirking evilly and showing black eyes. "Sammy?" Dean said softly.

"Sam's not here right now. And he won't be back." The demon said. He then disappeared with the woman and Dean dropped from the wall, crying quietly. He called John immediately.
It'd been two weeks since Sam had vanished with the demon inside of him. Dean was left to blame himself and worry for his baby brother. And John had definitely made him feel much worse by yelling at him about how disappointed he was.

Dean couldn't blame him. Now, Dean was in a city. He was in the impala on the side of the street with the car in park. He was looking around when his eyes landed on that woman. He quickly exited the car and rushed over to the woman, dragging her into the alleyway and shoving her against the wall. "Alright, you sick demon. Where is my brother?" Dean said angrily.

"I.... I don't know what you're talking about." The woman said in fear, her voice trembling.

"Don't play dumb with me. Where is he?" Dean yelled. The woman flinched and started to sob. It was then that Dean realized she wasn't possessed anymore. He quickly let her go and stepped back. "I'm sorry... I..."

"No, it's okay. I know I was possessed and stuff... I might be able to help you find your brother. Come with me?" The woman asked, holding a hand out.

Dean pulled out a flask and flung some holy water at her. It had no effect. He smiled at the woman. "I'll come with you."
They soon arrived at an old building. And Dean saw many vehicles around. The woman turned to him. "They still believe I'm possessed. So it shouldn't be hard to get to your brother. He's up there." She turned and pointed upwards. Dean followed where she pointed to and saw Sam standing on a balcony on the top of the building alongside a man.

Sam was wearing different clothes and Dean didn't like the way he looked. The woman led Dean inside and they snuck around some demons to get up to the top and find Sam. They got up to where he was and Sam turned around, smirking. "Dean Winchester."

"What have you done with my brother?" Dean asked, being angry but also worried.

"He's fine. I just needed a vessel." Sam said , his eyes flashing black. "You won't get him back."

"Like hell I will." And with that, Dean began an exorcism. He watched as the demon inside of Sam convulsed and screamed and eventually left. Sam's head leaned back as a cloud of smoke exited his mouth.

Dean caught Sam's body before it fell, watching the woman perform an exorcism on the other demons around. She then walked over to Dean. "Is he okay?"

"He's breathing." Dean said, being sat on the ground and holding Sam in his arms. Sam's head was cradled in Dean's elbow.

"Good. He should wake soon. I have to go." The woman said and quickly fled. Dean didn't question it, just happy to have Sam back.

Sam woke up, staring up at Dean. Tears trickled down his cheeks. "Dean... it was awful."

"I know. You're safe now, bud." Dean said, helping him sit up and holding him close. Sam didn't say much, just shaking and staying close to Dean.

Dean helped Sam to his feet eventually and they walked to a restaurant nearby. Sam was really hungry so they got food and Dean watched as Sam ate eagerly.

"Is it good?" Dean chuckled.

"Yeah." Sam smiled softly.

"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Not keeping you safe."

"Dean, you did all that you could. And I know that. You got me somewhere safe now. That's all that matters." Sam said gently, drinking some water. They shared smiles and ate there together, enjoying the company of each other.

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