a clingy, tired sammy

575 13 13

Word Count : 466
a/n : feel free to comment any suggestions of stuff you think i could change or any requests you may have. <3 thank you for reading
Sam had just turned 3 years old, and Dean thought he was an absolute pain. He threw way more tantrums than before and always wanted a nap, or Dean. And sometimes they'd be somewhere in a store and Sam would just be really upset and make a fuss in public.

But on this particular morning, John had dropped by Bobby's to drop Sammy off. He was gonna take Dean out to try shooting some guns and practice hunting procedures. Dean got out of the impala, looking at his father. "Dad, Sam's sick today and he just wants me. Can't I stay home with Bobby today? You can go practice."

"No, Dean. You need the experience." John said as he got their stuff out and left Sam in the car so Dean could get him. Dean carefully picked up a sleeping Sam and followed John inside.

Dean smiled when he saw Bobby, going up and hugging him. He was making sure to be careful with Sam. "Uncle Bobby! I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, squirt. Let me see your brother." Bobby kneeled down, looking at Sam in Dean's arms. He moved Sam's hair from his face. "He's growing, huh?"

"Yeah. He knows how to say full sentences now." Dean said with a smile. He was proud of how much Sam had grown recently. He wondered what it would be like when they grew up.

"I'll take Sam while you go with your dad." Bobby said, carefully taking Sam from Dean's arms and holding him. Sam woke up in Bobby's arms and saw Dean about to leave. So he cried out to get his attention.

Dean turned around, his heart melting at the sight of Sam's sad eyes, and how Sam was reaching for him. He looked at John. "Dad... please?"

John sighed softly. "Fine."

Dean ran over to Bobby, grabbing Sam and hugging him tight. Sam giggled happily, holding onto Dean. "Dean, do you wanna play?"

"Yeah, buddy." Dean let Sam down and walked over to where his toys were.

Sam picked up a ball and the two brothers spent time rolling rolling the ball back and forth to each other. Soon enough, Sam started to get tired from playing with Dean for a while.

Sam leaned onto the side of the couch, whining softly. "I wanna sleep."

"Okay, okay. Come here." Dean held his arms out, letting Sam crawl over to him to lay with him. Sam cling to Dean and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Dean held him close. He loved his baby brother. And he didn't want anything to happen to him.

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