Beach Day

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Dean had promised Sam before Sam's nap that they'd go to the beach near their crappy hotel. But as Dean watched as rain droplets ran down the windows , he sighed sadly. He knew Sam would be upset that they couldn't go swimming, unless the rain stopped. He heard Sam move on the bed and stretch. "Hey, Sam. Sleep good?"
"Yeah." Sam smiled. His smile faded as he looked outside. "It's raining? No!"

Dean sighed sadly,kissing Sam's head. "Sorry, Sammy. Maybe the rain will stop."
"Yeah, maybe.." Sam said sadly, sitting on the bed. He took another nap and Dean just watched the rain. After a couple hours, it went away. Dean checked the time , 4 pm. He smiled, knowing they had time for the beach. He shook Sam awake. "Wake up, Sammy!"
"What?" Sam groaned.

Dean opened the blinds and Sam smiled. They both gathered some things and went to the beach. It was fairly crowded and hot. Dean laid a beach blanket out and took a short nap on it while Sam played in the sand. After a few minutes, Sam got bored. He crawled over to Dean and shook his arm. "I wanna swim."

Dean nodded and got up , taking his 10- year- old brother down to the water. Sam stuck a toe in and giggled and laughed. "Ah! It's cold."
Dean chuckled at that. "It's gonna be. Come on." He walked into the water and grabbed Sam's hand, pulling him along. Sam gasped at the cold water touching his skin. "Oh gosh! That's cold, Dean!"

They played in the water , laughing and smiling. Having a good time. They both went back to the beach blanket and Dean sighed,looking up at Sam. "You tired?"
Sam nodded sleepily, yawning. He picked up a couple of their bags and followed Dean back to the room.

Dean helped Sam take a bath and get settled in bed. He sat by Sam's side, giving him his stuffed animal. "I hope you had fun, kiddo."
Sam smiled, nodding. "I did! Can we go back tomorrow?"
Dean shrugged. "Why not?"

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